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September 12th, 2011

The Hallways of Ramos Middle School

7th grade

//such young love but something in me knew that it was real//

John walked the hallways of a rusty middle school, his footsteps echoing behind him.

He spotted his best friend, Alexander, from across the hallway, laughing at something that their other two friends, Lafayette and Hercules had said.

John smiled, love filling his eyes. He knew that to feel this way towards another man was wrong, but he couldn't help but feel as though it were the right thing.

His heart fluttered with every step he took, awaiting the presence of his beloved Alexander.

"Hey guys!" he chirped happily, a blush rising to his cheeks as he met Alexander's eyes.

"Hey, John!" Alexander said, giving John a small wave. John smiled, his knees wobbling slightly.

"How are y'all?" Even though John moved to New York three years ago, his southern accent that he had been raised with from South Carolina still stuck.

"We're great, mon ami!" Lafayette smiled, resting an arm on Hercules' shoulder. He had transferred the year that John and Alexander did, though he came from France.

Herc laughed, placing his hand over Laf's, "Yep! We're just talking about the midnight dance!"

John raised an eyebrow, "But we don't get to go until we're in eighth grade?"

Alexander smiled, placing a hand on John's shoulder. John felt a wave of electricity flow throughout his body, "We know, but we've only got a year to figure out who we're going to ask!"

John smiled down at Alexander. John was always taller, and he found Alexander's shortness adorable.

He already knew that he wanted to ask Alexander. But would he accept?

"Well, I don't think that's the most important thing to focus on right now," John pulled his backpack strap further onto his shoulder.

"Oh come on, John! You always spoil our fun!" Laf whined.

John slapped his shoulder playfully, "Well maybe I want to focus on actually passing this year instead of who I want to bring to a dance that isn't happening for another year," John snuck a quick glance at Alexander, who was fixing his hair in the reflection of his phone.

"Well I have an idea of who I'm going to ask," Herc smirked at Laf. Laf's cheeks blushed profusely.

John felt his heart speed up. Were they like him?

"I have no idea who I'm going to ask," Alexander said, pushing his phone back in his pocket.

"What about you, John?" Laf asked, finally looking away from Herc.

John blushed, "I might have an idea."

"Oh! Our little boy's got a crush!" Herc said teasingly, punching John's arm.

"I'm literally taller than all of you," John said, rolling his eyes.

"But that's beside the point, mon ami," Laf raised his eyebrow suggestively.

"Forget it, y'all," John waved his hand, starting to walk to his first class, "There's no chance that they like me back."

Alexander placed his hand on John's shoulder, walking next to him, "Who wouldn't like you, John? You're incredible!"

John looked up and blushed, smiling shyly at Alexander, "Thank you, Alexander."

"I'm just telling the truth," Alexander shrugged, smirking.

John's face reddened as he awkwardly fixed his backpack strap on his shoulder, "But I still have no chance with them."

"Don't say that! Always keep your head high and believe in love!" Alexander exclaimed, waving his arms.

John smiled at his outburst.

"Oui, never quit when it comes to love," Laf trailed behind them, and waved before he entered his classroom.

"Yeah, we may just be a group of thirteen year old boys who are in the middle of puberty," Herc started with a laugh, "But if there's one thing I've learned in life, it's to love no matter what."

"Wow, y'all are so ahead of your time," John laughed, "And here I am struggling to remember how to multiply fractions!"

"We're all good at different things, John," Alexander said, shaking his head. John's heart fluttered when Alexander had said his name. Herc waved to them before entering his first class, leaving the two by themselves.

John looked at Alexander with a smile, not paying attention to what he was saying. A blush appeared on his cheeks, admiring the small boy next to him.

If only he knew.

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