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September 9th, 2016

John's Apartment Complex

Senior Year

//hiding every cloud under a smile//

"John, you don't have to if you aren't comfortable-" Alexander started, but John cut him off.

"I haven't told anyone, anything. And I trust you the more than anyone in my life, Alexander. I feel as if I should tell you now, while I have the chance."

John turned to Martha with a smile, "Hey, darling, why don't you go play with your dollies?" Martha smiled and nodded, running to a corner of the room that held a wooden box. The glass shards around it had been swept to the side, making it a clear place for the little girl to play. She pulled out some ragged dolls and smiled, making them dance with each other.

It was a truly beautiful and devastating sight to Alexander. The fact that a little girl could find beauty within this astonished him.

John sat Jack in his lap and put a pacifier in his mouth.

"So," John said awkwardly.

"When did you move in here?" Alexander asked.

"In middle school," John answered.

"I thought that you're dad had a high position at his office?"

"We thought he did, but he turned out to be just a secretary. Most of the money that he earns goes towards his alcohol profit, but I guess you knew that one already," John said.

"Is Jack your child?"

John chuckled, "No, he was left on the fire escape one day. He was freezing and we took him in. Martha wanted to name him after me. I grew so close to him, that I do consider him my own."

"Where's your mom?" Alexander asked quietly.

John closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "She died when Martha was two."

"You've been raising both of these kids by yourself? Where do they go when you're at school?"

"They go to a daycare that watches over homeless people's kids for free," John's voice cracked painfully.

"Are you going to be homeless?" Alexander whispered.

"I don't know," John answered honestly.

"John there's extra space in my house. George and Martha wouldn't mind having you three! They'd be ecstatic!" Alexander offered.

John smiled, but it faded when the door opened harshly.

Martha let out a loud sob from her corner across the room. John instinctively handed Alexander the baby.

"Go to the bedroom on the left and hurry down the fire escape. Make sure that Martha is following you and don't look back," John whispered as he stood up, pushing Alexander behind him.

"Jack, is that another one of your little fag friends?" A voice boomed from the doorway. Martha let out a yelp.

John ran towards his sister and scooped her up in his arms. She held onto her teddy bear tightly, along with John's arms. John dropped her next to Alexander and crouched down to her height.

"You are to listen to Alexander and stay with him at all times, you hear me?" John said quickly. Martha nodded.

John took a necklace off from around his neck and put it around Martha's, "Make sure to keep Ma safe, got it?" Martha nodded again, her eyes welling with tears.

"But Jacky, what about you?" Martha asked softly.

"I'll be fine, darling," he kissed her head softly and stood back up.

Behind him, his dad tried to stumble his way towards the group, but he fell and landed face first into a glass shard.

John kissed Jack's head lightly, "Papa loves you, baby boy. Be good for Alexander."

John turned to Alexander, who eyes were filled with worry, "Please, go."

"But John what about-" Alexander tried to protest, but John wouldn't let him.

"Lexi, please. I love you," John whispered, his voice cracking.

Alexander nodded, "I'll see you soon," he took Martha's hand and rushed into the bedroom on the left, slamming the door shut.

"Goddamnit, Jack! I thought I already told you this: being gay is a sin!" a loud crash was followed as Alexander placed Martha on the fire escape. His vision was blurry and he dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" a voice said on the other end of the call.

"I need an ambulance and a police car to the Ramos Apartment Complex, apartment 2B, fast!" Alexander said quickly.

"Alright sir, they are on their way now. What is the problem?" the voice asked calmly.

"My best friend-" Alexander choked out, "His dad is beating him, and has been for years! I have his sister and his son with me right now; we are on the fire escape outside of the room," another loud crash was heard through the wall, "Please hurry! I don't know how long he can make it!" Alexander cried.

"The units should be there any second sir, please stay calm. Your job is to watch those kids, okay?"

Alexander nodded, "Yes ma'am. Thank you."

Martha clung to Alexander's legs, "Is Jacky going to be alright?" she asked.

Alexander nodded, "Yes he is, the good guys are going to save him."

A loud bang was heard, followed by an unrecognizable voice.

"Police! Put your hands in the air!" 

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