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August 22nd, 2014

The Halls of Miranda High School

Sophomore Year

//don't think that I'd just forget about it//

Alexander opened his locker, putting his new laptop in his back pack.

"Alex, you have been avoiding this subject all summer! It has been three months, and you two have acted like nothing happened at that party!" Hercules exclaimed, leaning on the locker next to Alexander.

"Look," Alexander sighed as he pulled out notebooks, "It was just one kiss! There's nothing more to say."

"Mon ami, we both know that's not true," Laf said, poking his shoulder.

Alexander rolled his eyes.

"Okay, fine!" he zipped up his back pack, "Maybe I liked it a little more than I let on, but there is no way that he feels the same. He just sees it as some silly game that we played. Plus, I doubt that John is anything but straight."

"Are you serious?" Herc asked, leaning his head forward.

"Hey guys!" Alexander perked up at the sound of John's voice. He slammed his locker shut and smiled at the boy behind it.

"Hey, John!"

"What do your schedules look like for this year?" John asked, pulling out a sheet of paper from his torn up bag.

Alexander could care less about their schedules at the moment. All he could focus on was how tired John looked. He had bags under his eyes; even worse than his own. His face was slightly paler and there seemed to be deep colors poking up from the collar of his shirt. He seemed a lot skinner than when Alexander had last seen him earlier that month. Though, he was still gorgeous. Alexander's eyes seemed to sparkle when he saw that boy.

"Well, we all have lunch together!" John said happily, pulling Alexander out of his thoughts.

"And we have French 3, too!" Laf said excitedly. Herc chuckled.

"Well Herc and I are going to head to Human Resources," John said, waving goodbye to Alexander and Laf before dragging Herc besides him.

Alexander weakly waved goodbye and sighed.

Laf put a hand on his shoulder, "You've been pretty messed up these last couple months, haven't you?"

Alexander nodded and walked next to Laf.

"It's just," he took a breath before speaking again, "I have never felt that kind of spark when I have kissed anybody, ever. Not even Eliza, and I was in love with her!"

"I think that's because there was real passion put into that kiss," Laf said, rubbing Alexander's shoulder reassuringly, "There was real love."

"Really? You think so?" Alexander smiled softly.

Laf nodded, "I know so," he entered his first class of the day, leaving Alexander with his own thoughts.

Was John gay? Or even bisexual? John was the person that helped Alexander realize that he was bisexual. After they had kissed, Alexander experienced a new world; one that seemed to be brighter. He couldn't stop thinking about that moment and how he wanted to relive it over and over and over again.

He thought about going over to John's house, but, even though they had known each other for six years now, not one of his friends had been to John's house. Alexander didn't know the address.

They saw each other regularly throughout the summer when their group met up to hang out. But, the kiss was never brought up. Alexander only talked about it a few times with Laf and Herc.

After they had hung out in the beginning of August, John had stopped coming to hang out. Alexander couldn't help but worry.

Was something happening to him? Was he avoiding Alexander?

By the way he looked this morning, something was definitely happening, and Alexander wanted to help. But John had always been a closed off person.

Would John even let Alexander inside his mind to try and fix his broken soul?

Or would Alexander only shatter his heart? 

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