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April 12th, 2016

The Miranda High School Baseball Field

Junior Year

//remember the way you made me feel//

Alexander watched as John stepped up to bat, adjusting the helmet on his head. He sat next to Laf and Herc, who were screaming and stuffing their faces with the buttery popcorn from the concession stand.

John got into position and took a deep breath. This was the final game of the season, and if he struck a home run, their team would win for the third year in a row.

"Boo!" John turned towards the voice, seeing Charles Lee trying to throw a box of nachos at him. He was the captain of the opposing team, but he was out for the season due to a torn ligament in his knee.

"Get off the field, you worthless fag!" He screamed. John felt the confidence in his body leave as his face fell. Flashbacks were clouding his memory, and all he could see at the moment was his father hitting him over and over and over and –

"Strike one!" he felt a ball wiz past him and hit the glove.

"What?" he muttered. He needed to breathe and focus. His father had no control here, he was safe.

"Kid, you okay?" his coach ran up to him quickly, placing a hand on his shoulder. John flinched slightly at the contact, but shook it off and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just got a little distracted."

"Okay, well just focus and breathe; you've got this!" his coach ran off the field and he turned his attention back towards the pitcher.

"You're such a useless piece of shit! Go kill yourself, fag!" Charles spat at him.

John once again let down his guard, and the ball flew right past him. He turned towards the crowd, finding Charles spewing more hateful verses in his direction. People from his school were yelling instructions at him, as if he didn't know how this game was played. The people from the opposing school were cheering, so close to victory. All of this noise was soon drowned out when John heard Alexander's voice.


John met Alexander's eyes.

"Alexander?" he whispered.

"John, you can do this!"

John started to shake his head, but stopped when Alexander continued.

"I believe in you!"

John felt his heart flutter.

Alexander Hamilton believed in him, and god damnit that was all he needed. He smiled at Alexander and turned back to the pitcher, hitting his bat on home plate a few times.

His eyes narrowed in determination and he smirked.

He couldn't hear anything but Alexander's voice echoing in his head.

The ball was thrown towards him, and it felt like slow motion.

The crowd all took a breath, holding it in. It was dead silent as John swung, his bat colliding with the ball and hitting it out of the park.

John beamed and looked at Alexander as the crowd started to cheer.

"Run, John, run!" Alexander screamed with a smile on his face.

He watched as John threw his bat down and sprinted to first base, sliding past it and touching second base, then reaching third base. Alexander screamed in joy as John ran towards home plate, sliding on it victoriously.

John had just hit the home run that won the season championship for his school.

Alexander ran down the bleachers and onto the field, not once losing sight of John.

John had his back facing Alexander and the rest of the crowd, waving his cap high in the air and flaunting his infamous number of 76.

Alexander beamed and flung his arms across John's shoulder's, holding him tightly.

John turned and was met face to face with Alexander and smiled, "I did it, Lexi!"

"You did it!" Alexander repeated, hugging the man tighter. John put his cap on Alexander, messing his hair up a bit. John smiled as Alexander blushed; he looked absolutely adorable.

Laf and Herc came tumbling down the bleachers hand in hand.

"We're so proud of you, John!" Herc exclaimed.

Laf whipped out their phone with a smile and put John and Alexander in the frame, "Smile, you two!"

John and Alexander both turned their attention towards Laf's camera and smiled. Alexander hugged John tighter, and smiled brightly. John beamed and pumped his fist in the air, his other hand resting on Alexander's.

"That one is for the scrapbook." 

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