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 March 3rd, 2015

The Local Miranda Mall

Sophomore Year

//pictures I'm living through for now, trying to remember all the good times//

John scrolled through his favorites album on his phone as he waited for his friends to join him. He had a select few pictures in this album, most of them being of him and Alexander or just Alexander. There were also some with Laf and Herc.

He smiled as the memories flooded through his mind.

"Hey, John!" Laf and Herc sat together on the opposite side of the booth.

John quickly shut off his phone and stuffed it in his pocket, greeting them with a smile, "Hey y'all! Where's Alexander?"

"He's right behind us, he just needed to go into a shop real quick," Herc said.

John nodded. He noticed that the two in front of him were sitting unusually close and was about to ask before Alexander sat in the empty spot next to him. He felt his face heat up as their legs touched, and Alexander didn't do anything to move his away.

He met Laf's eyes while he smiled and Laf threw him a wink. John rolled his eyes, the blush still evident on his face.

"Hey guys!" Alexander said happily.

"Well," Laf said, "We have some news!"

"What is it?" John asked excitedly. He had always loved surprises.

"Well," Herc started, "Over these past couple months I have been thinking, mostly about my sexuality," he looked at the two men in front of him, who had smiles on their faces. He smiled back, "And I realized that I am pansexual."

John cheered, "Oh my gosh! That's amazing, Herc! I'm so happy for you!"

Alexander laughed, "Yeah, what he said."

"And I have also been thinking," Laf interrupted, "about my sexuality and my, uh, gender," he looked up nervously and smiled when he saw John's eyes sparkle, "I am also pansexual, but I am gender fluid. I prefer the pronouns they/them."

John cheered once again, "Laf, I'm so proud of you!"

Alexander laughed, "That is amazing!"

"And," Herc said, lifting his finger up to stop the two from talking, "there's one more thing."

"Well, what is it?" John was practically bouncing in his seat, a smile of pride stuck on his face.

Laf and Herc looked at each other. They took a breath before saying, "We're dating!" In unison.

John practically screamed, "Oh my god! Y'all are so perfect for each other! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!"

Alexander laughed once more, "Congratulations, y'all."

Laf and Herc paused and turned to Alexander. They looked at him and started laughing hysterically.

"What?" Alexander asked, raising an eyebrow. He turned to John, asking for an explanation, but John only shrugged.

"What the hell are you y'all laughing at?" Alexander asked again, only making them laugh harder.

"Maybe I just shouldn't talk," Alexander huffed, crossing his arms. John chuckled and admired the man beside him.

Herc and Laf finally stopped laughing, wiping tears out of their eyes.

"Okay," Alexander said sternly, "What's so funny?"

"Mon ami," Laf chuckled, "The only person that we know that says 'y'all' is John."

Alexander felt heat rush to his cheeks. His mouth gaped open, as if he was going to say something, but nothing came out. Herc laughed again.

"B-But, y'all – I mean – you guys say that as well, right? We've all known each other for six years! We pick up each other's habits!" Alexander said, obviously flustered. John sat next to him, red in the face.

"Oui, but never something as big as that. Phrases and such are picked up when you care deeply about a person," Laf said, winking at both men across from them.

John let a soft smile spread across his face as he looked down, playing with his fingers.

"Uh, I, uh," Alexander couldn't find the words to explain his thoughts.

For once in his life, Alexander Hamilton was speechless. 

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