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December 25th, 2017

Alexander's House

Freshman Year of College

//remember the way you made me feel//

"I know that this is a really special moment for Alex and Jacky, but I really wanna open my presents now," Martha said with an innocent smile on her face.

Alexander pulled out of John's grip and laughed, sitting next to him.

"Of course, darling. It's your turn, have at it!" John told her with a smile. She opened her presents quickly, her face lighting up with each new one she opened. John watched her with pride.

Jack went next, but he couldn't necessarily get the hang of tearing the paper apart, so John held him in his lap as Alexander helped him tear the paper open. Jack giggled and threw the paper at Alexander's face.

"Really?" Alexander asked, his eyebrow raised and lips curled up on one side. John laughed loudly and took the rest of the paper from Jack.

"Okay, Jacky, it's Papa's turn," Alexander said as he took Jack from John and placed him in his own. John smiled and began to open his presents.

He thanked everyone politely as he revealed the gifts with a smile.

"Okay and the last one is from Alexander," he smiled. Alexander blushed lightly and smiled back, eager for John to open it.

John pulled the card off of and started to open it before Alexander stopped him.

"Open the card last," he said.

John nodded and set the card in his lap. He ripped open the paper and pulled out a new blue sweatshirt. He chuckled.

"Well, since I kind of stole your old favorite sweatshirt, I figured that I'd give you a new favorite one!"

John slipped it over his head and smiled, "It's a perfect fit."

He also pulled out a wooden picture frame with no picture in it.

"Another picture for your nightstand. You get to choose what picture goes in there," Alexander explained.

John nodded and smiled, "I love it."

He then tore open the card, soon realizing that it wasn't a card at all. It was three pieces of folded up paper. John unfolded them and studied them carefully.

His eyes widened as he read them.

"What?" he whispered.

He turned to Alexander, who had a wide smile on his face.

"Is this really?" John asked, unable to finish his question.

Alexander nodded quickly, his smile growing wider.

"Oh my god," John covered his mouth as tears of joy ran down his cheeks.

"What?" Martha asked, puzzled.

"What is it?" George leaned over, trying to read what the paper said.

"I-It says," John stuttered. He laughed warmly, "It says that I only need to sign these papers," he paused and took a breath, looking up at everyone, "and Jack legally becomes my son."

George and Martha gasped, smiles forming on their faces. Martha placed her hand over her mouth, trying to repress sobs of happiness.

"I'm gonna be an aunt!" Martha jumped up happily. Everyone laughed.

John looked down at Jack, who was looking at him with a puzzled look.

"Baby boy, I'm going to officially be your papa," he whispered, rubbing his thumb on the small child's cheek. Tears rolled down his face as he stared at his son.

"Papa?" the child squeaked, tilting his head.

John laughed happily, "Yes! Papa! That's me!" he pointed to himself with both of his hands, "That's me! Oh my gosh, baby boy, I love you so much!" John wiped tears from his face as he reached out to grab Jack.

Before he could, Jack used Alexander's arms to stand himself up. John paused, his breath catching in his throat. He scooted back some, leaving room for Jack.

Jack looked at his feet, then back up at John again with a small smile. He put his right foot out in front of him and took a step, wobbling slightly. Alexander held his hands out by Jack's sides just in case.

Jack took a slow step with his left foot, then another with his right, then another with his left, and another with his right until he reached John with a smile on his small face.

John cheered and picked Jack up, spinning him in the air as he laughed, "That's my boy!" John placed him on his hip with a proud smile on his face, "Talking and walking for the first time, all in one day!"

Alexander stood up and placed a kiss on John's cheek.

John smiled and turned to him, "Thank you, Alexander, for everything," he whispered as he pressed a light kiss to his lips. Jack giggled and tried to kiss them while they were still connected. John laughed and wiped some of Jack's spit off of his cheek. He turned to Alexander, who was laughing and wiping Jack's spit off of his bright red cheek.

"Hey Lexi," John said. Alexander turned to him and hummed.

"You think you want to be my boyfriend?" John asked with a smirk. His face was bright red, and on the inside he was a nervous wreck. But, he didn't show anything but confidence.

Alexander blushed bright red and smiled shyly, his eyes lighting up. Martha walked over to the pair and smiled, standing by Alexander's side. She tugged on Alexander's arm softly. He looked down at her and she smiled.

"Jacky has been waiting for this for years, Alex," she said.

Alexander chuckled and leaned down closer to the little girl, "So have I," he said.

He looked back up with a smile on his face, "That'd be the best gift I have ever received," he said as he kissed John. John smiled and wrapped his free arm around Alexander's waist, pulling them together. Alexander cupped John's face and deepened the kiss, smiling softly. Martha wrapped her arms around Alexander's legs and hugged him tightly.

George quickly pulled out his phone, angling the frame on the group of four. Martha smiled widely, looking at her brother and Alexander and Jack clapped happily with a smile on his face, oblivious to the whole thing. George snapped the picture quickly and smiled at his wife.

Guess which picture ending up going in John's new picture frame. 

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