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December 25th, 2017

Alexander's House

Freshman Year of College

//something in me knew that it was real//

"Jacky, wake up it's Christmas!" Martha jumped on John, waking him up.

"Yeah, John! Come on, it's Christmas!" Alexander jumped on him too, making him laugh.

Jack giggled and fell onto John, laughing as he landed on his stomach. John laughed and sat up, pulling Jack up so they were face to face.

"Merry Christmas, baby boy," he whispered and kissed his nose with a smile. He turned to his little sister, "Merry Christmas, darling," she hugged him tight and he kissed the top of her head, "Merry Christmas, Jacky!" she chirped happily.

He turned to Alexander and smiled softly, a blush framing his cheeks, "Merry Christmas, Alexander."

Alexander smiled warmly, "Merry Christmas, John."

They each ran down the stairs with smiles on their faces.

"I'm going to beat you!" Martha laughed.

Alexander stumbled behind her, "No you're not!" She jumped up in victory as she beat Alexander down the stairs.

"No fair! You cheated!" he whined, pointing a finger at her.

"No I didn't! I won fair and square!" Martha said, sticking her tongue out at Alexander.

He laughed and pulled her in for a hug. John followed behind them with a smile on his face.

He and Alexander started college a few months ago, after John had returned. They took day classes and returned home every evening to take care of Martha and Jack.

John had told Alexander that he could go to a better college than a community one around the corner from them, but Alexander refused, telling him that he would miss him too much.

They were out for winter break right now, and didn't have to resume classes until the Monday after New Years.

"Look at all the presents!" Martha exclaimed, running towards the Christmas tree that they had decorated a few weeks earlier.

John laughed as Alexander ran over with her, his face lighting up.

"Merry Christmas, boys and Martha," Martha walked in from the kitchen holding onto George's arm.

"Merry Christmas," George said warmly.

"Merry Christmas, guys!" Alexander ran over to them and wrapped them in a tight hug.

Martha ran over as well and hugged their legs, "Merry Christmas!"

"John, get in here!" Alexander called, waving John over to their group hug. John carried Jack on his hip and leaned into Alexander's side, wrapping his free arm around his waist. Alexander wrapped his arm around John's waist as well and pulled him closer to his body.

John smiled and kissed Jack's forehead, then the top of Alexander's head. Alexander blushed deeply, a smile creeping onto his face. John smiled widely as Alexander pulled him closer.

"Merry Christmas, y'all," John said.

They each retrieved the presents addressed to them and sat in a circle. George and Martha sat on the couch while John and Alexander sat across from each other on the floor with Martha and Jack in between them.

They each took turns opening all their presents. George went first, followed by Martha, then Alexander.

"And my last gift is from," Alexander looked at the tag and smiled, "John."

John smiled from across the circle.

Alexander pulled the paper out from the bag and looked in, his eyes growing wide.

"Oh my god, John, you didn't."

John smiled proudly from across the circle as Alexander pulled out a brand new laptop out of the bag.

"How did you-" Alexander stuttered.

"I saved up for quite awhile. I noticed that your old one was breaking down, so I figured you needed a new one!" John sat up as he explained, "And there are tons of new features, like this can be reversed and made into a touch screen tablet, and it has a pen and everything! And you can-"

Alexander cut John off with a kiss.

John's eyes widened before he shut them, cupping Alexander's cheeks. Alexander had a grip on John's shirt collar, pulling him closer.

There was so much love, so much passion in this one kiss. Both men smiled as they held each other close, taking in this moment. Both of their hearts were racing and their stomachs were doing somersaults as they finally expressed their love.

George smiled proudly while Martha placed her hands over her heart. Martha giggled and covered Jack's eyes. Jack's little arm pushed Martha's hand down and he laughed loudly.

John and Alexander pulled away from each other with goofy smiles and red faces. They were both smiling as John pulled Alexander into his arms, hugging him tightly. He buried his face in Alexander's shoulder as tears of joy sprang to his eyes. Alexander wrapped his arms around John's neck, pulling their bodies closer. Alexander smiled widely.

"I love you Lexi," John whispered. Alexander laughed softly, tears escaping his eyes.

"I love you too." 

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