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December 25th, 2021

Alexander and John's Apartment

Senior Year of College

//paper hearts; and I'll hold a piece of yours//

"Lexi, come on. I have one last thing to show you," John said, pulling Alexander into their shared bedroom.

"Babe I thought we already did all the presents with Martha and Jack," Alexander replied.

"Well, this is not so much a present and more of something that I want to  share with you," John sat Alexander down on their bed with a smile. Alexander looked at John with a curious smile.

John walked backwards towards their dresser with a smirk on his face. Alexander laughed.

John reached underneath the dresser and pulled out a wooden box. He smiled softly as he walked to sit next to Alexander on their bed.

"What's that?" Alexander asked.

John smiled and ran his finger over the top. He opened it, revealing pictures and a set of two gold rings.

"Before my mom died and before Martha was born, my Ma sat me down and showed me this box. It belonged to my grandmother."

John picked up the stack of pictures and smiled, showing them to his boyfriend.

"The first few pictures are of my grandparents. They were truly in love. My grandmother wanted my Ma to share this box with the person she fell in love with, to prove that true love does exsist," John looked up at Alexander, "and she shared it with me."

Alexander smiled as he looked through the pictures of John and his Ma, "These pictures are beautiful."

"My Ma wanted me to share this with the person I fall in love with," John said, looking at Alexander.

Alexander looked up at John, his lips forming a smile, "And you're sharing it with me?"

John chuckled. He grabbed the two gold bands that remained at the bottom of the box and smiled.

He grabbed Alexander's hand, rubbing his thumb softly over his knuckles.

"Lexi, we have known each other 13 years, and I have loved you each and every day of those years. There is no one else that I love more than you."

Alexander smiled widely, holding John's hands tightly, "And there is nothing I love more in this world than you."

John smiled, his cheeks turning red, "Alexander, when my Ma gave this box to me, she told me to give it to someone that I had fallen in love with. She said that it had to be real. Something that was built on love and trust. And god, I only dreamed of giving this to you, and here we are," John smiled widely at his gorgeous boyfriend.

"Together," Alexander smiled.

"And I want to stay together, because I love you, Alexander, so fucking much," John pulled his hands away from Alexander's and smiled as he slid off their bed and onto the floor on one knee.

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