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January 1st, 2013

The Schuyler Mansion

8th grade

//everything is gray under these skies; wet mascara//

John followed Angelica up the stairs into her room.

They had raided her dad's liquor cabinet, given that he was out on a business trip and wouldn't find out.

They carried three bottles each, struggling not to drop them.

"Angie!" They heard a voice boom from the front door. Pausing, they both turned to find the youngest sister standing in the doorway.

"Peggy!" Angelica cried, her eyes darting from John to Peggy furiously.

"Is that dad's?" she asked, closing the door slowly.

Angelica seemed flustered, "Uh, yeah?"

"Let me in on it and I won't tell," Peggy smirked, crossing her arms over her bright yellow dress.

"Peggy! You're only in 7th grade! You're 13!" Angelica cried, her eyebrows furrowing.

"So? You're only 14!" Peggy fired back.

Angelica rolled her eyes and nodded her head towards the top of the stairs. Peggy smiled and quickly ran up the stairs, following them.

John followed the two sisters into their bedroom. You would think that in a house this big, each sister would receive their own room.

They sat in the middle of the massive room, on a white fuzzy rug underneath a glistening chandelier. They laid the bottles in front of them.

Peggy went over to a bed that had a yellow quilt over it. John figured that it was her bed. She reached underneath it and pulled out a box. She smiled gleefully before running back to John and Angelica.

She put down the box, revealing a few bags of chips and a couple of boxes of Oreos.

"So you're the one who has been stealing all of the food?" Angelica smirked, placing her hands on her hips.

Peggy smiled innocently and shrugged, "A girls gotta eat!"

John laughed.

"Well, hi there, stranger!" Peggy exclaimed, pushing her hand towards John, "I'm Peggy!"

John smiled, "I'm John!" he shook her hand happily.

"He is here to be enlightened about the LGBTQIA+ community," Angelica explained, "He has had a hard night, and this is definitely needed."

Peggy nodded, an excited smile spreading across her face, "Let's do it!"

The trio dug into the snacks they had snatched and each opened a bottle of whiskey, drinking it gratefully.

"Now, first lesbians," Angelica started, stuffing an Oreo in her mouth.

"That's me!" Peggy squealed, almost knocking over her bottle of whiskey.

Angelica laughed, "Yes, well, that is when a girl is only attracted to girls."

John's mouth dropped, "That's really a thing?" he gaped.

The sisters nodded, "Gay is when a boy is only attracted to boys," Peggy added.

John sat up straight, "Oh my god!" he exclaimed with a smile, "I didn't know that this was a real thing! Other guys feel this way? Oh my god, I'm gay!"

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