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December 18th, 2012

The Hallways of Ramos Middle School

8th grade

//goodbye love, you flew right by love//

John closed his locker door with a sigh, looking at his ripped up sneakers. His family was going through a rough patch at the moment. The only thing that they could afford was monthly groceries and the baskets of alcohol that his father bought. They were to move into a two room apartment soon.

They all thought that his father's promotion would be a good thing.

"Hey John!" Alexander said with a smile as he approached his best friend. They were each now in the middle of their growth spurts, yet John still remained the tallest.

"Hey, what's up?" John asked, plastering a smile on his face.

"Well remember that crush that I told you about a few weeks ago?" Alexander rocked on his heels, his arms behind his back.

John's ears perked up, "Yeah?"

"Well," Alexander smiled and met John's eyes, "I'm going to ask them to the midnight dance today!"

John smiled, hope filling his heart, "Really? Who is it?"

Alexander smiled as his cheeks filled with red, "Well," he trailed off as his eyes wondered to a group of people behind John. He smiled and jumped up, "Oh, there she is! Wish me luck!" Alexander ran off to three girls, each wearing a different color.

John felt his heart break. His smile slowly faded from his face as his eyes filled with tears, threatening to spill. He turned slowly to where Alexander ran off to.

He watched as he approached the Schuyler sisters.

They were very popular in these halls. Their dad was the richest man in town, making their social status rise incredibly. They practically had all of the boys that were past that 'Ew, girls have cooties,' stage at their feet.

Angelica was the smartest of the three, flaunting her signature pink outfit. She could play you in a matter of seconds and leave you on the floor, wondering what the hell had just happened.

Peggy was the youngest, but the boldest. She wore her yellow dress, flowing mesmerizingly behind her. She stood up for anyone and everyone, as long as you weren't a dick.

Eliza was the prettiest. She always wore a shade of blue, complimenting her skin tone. She was undeniably beautiful, and she had people of all genders following after her.

John watches as Alexander approached the one in blue, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He saw him speak for a moment before smiling widely and standing in silence.

He watched painfully as Eliza beamed and leaped into Alexander's arms, screaming out what John could only make out as, 'Yes!'

John's breath hitched as he held back a sob, watching Alexander wrap his hands around her waist and hug her tightly into his body, smiling widely into her shoulder.

John's hand loosely gripped the strap on his back pack, which was hanging on one of his shoulders. He stared blankly at the pair, a tear slowly falling to the tile beneath his feet.

Goodbye, love.

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