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December 31st, 2012

The Ramos Middle School Large Gym

8th grade

//hiding every cloud under a smile when there's cameras//


In just four minutes, John would be standing around hopelessly as he watched his crush of four years kiss another person, hoping to spend the following year with each other.

He took a sip out of the punch he had gotten probably an hour ago. He had sat there for an hour, watching Alexander sweep Eliza off her feet. And as each minute past, John felt more of his heart shatter.

He couldn't stand to watch the person he loved more than life, fall in love with someone else.

Was he that worthless?


"Hey, you wanna drink?"

John turned his head to the right to find Angelica Schuyler standing next to him, holding out a bottle of whiskey.

John raised an eyebrow, "You brought alcohol to an eighth grade dance?"

Angelica shrugged, "Dances are always boring without dates."

John laughed softly, "Thanks, but I already have some delicious punch," he said sarcastically.

Angelica chuckled and pushed the bottle towards John farther, "I've already had enough, and I've seen you staring at that boy all night. You've got it hard, man. You need this."

John looked at the sister with wide eyes.

She chuckled and took John's cup of punch and downed it in one gulp. She poured the bottle of whiskey into the now empty cup until the bottle was dripping. The cup was filled to the brim as Angelica sipped it slowly, reducing the liquid a little. She handed the cup to John, who hesitantly took it and held it as he crossed his arms.

"You've been watching me all night?" John asked, sniffing the alcohol and squishing his face together afterwards.

Angelica took the seat next to him, stuffing the now empty bottle in her purse, "Well, it's kind of hard to miss you; you look like a total loser. You've been sitting here alone practically drooling over Alexander for an hour."

John cringed, he did look pretty bad.


"So," John swirled his cup around, turning his attention away from Alexander and to Angelica, "You don't have a date either? Or did you just come over here to taunt me about my lost case of love?"

Angelica smiled softly, "Well, for your information, I just recently realized that I am aromantic."

John tilted his head, "What's that?"

Angelica smiled, "Well, it means that I don't feel romantically for anyone."

"That's a thing?" John asked, trying not to sound like an ass.

Angelica only smiled wider, nodding her head, "It's a part of the LGBTA+ community."

"What's that?" John asked.

Angelica looked taken back. She took a breath before she spoke again, "Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual and more."

"I don't know what any of those words mean," John said, tilting his head.

Angelica's mouth dropped, "What? Really?"

John nodded.

"Well, how about you come to my house after the party and I can teach you?" Angelica offered.

John nodded with a smile, "That sounds fun."


"Only a minute until the new year!" A voice boomed over the speakers. It was the principal standing on stage, preparing for the year end countdown, "Find the people you want to spend the next year with and keep them with you!"

John looked down into his cup of whiskey.

The person he wanted to spend the next year with was standing next to someone that they wanted to spend the next year with.

They weren't exactly agreeing at the moment.

"Hey," Angelica placed a hand on John's shoulder comfortingly, "How about we stay with each other for the countdown, and make a new friend?"

John smiled weakly at her offer, "I'd love that."


John snapped his head towards the crowd, which was screaming at the top of their lungs.

"9! 8! 7!"

He spotted Alexander and Eliza together. Alexander was holding Eliza by her waist, and Eliza's hands were wrapped around Alexander's neck. They were smiling widely while whispering the countdown to each other.

"6! 5! 4!"

John felt Angelica's hand intertwine her fingers with his own, gripping him tightly. He didn't bother to move his head, knowing that he wouldn't be able to look away.

"3! 2!"

John watched as Alexander pressed his lips to Eliza's before the countdown ended. He felt his heart shatter all over again as a tear ran down his cheek. Angelica squeezed his hand.


John raised the cup to his lips and downed it, the liquid burning his throat. He whispered to himself as more tears found their way to his eyes.

"Happy new year."

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