Chpt. 17

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·Months later, April 7th·
Jacob's Pov😚📍Mia's house

After getting off of work, I stopped by Mia's house to check on her and the baby

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After getting off of work, I stopped by Mia's house to check on her and the baby. My baby wasn't here yet but she minds well be by how excited I was. I still didn't know if we were having a girl or boy yet though, but I would be happy with either one.

"Hey" I greeted her, closing the door to her house behind me.

"Hey" she spoke, not even turning her head from the tv.

"What chu' watching?"

"Judge Judy" she said simply.

"Oh true. How you feel today?" I sat down beside her on the couch.

"Jacob I'm fine" she chuckled. "I'm just pregnant, not...incredibly sick"

"I'm just checking on you girl, damn. I'm still pretty new to this so...I gotta make sure everything cool"

She smiled. "Trust me I'm fine, you're really caring.." she suddenly placed her hand on top of mine.

"You flirting with me again?" I teased.

She blushed and then moved her hand back to being on her lap. "I'm sorry..., I know I shouldn't"

"I don't mean to make you feel bad, I just...can't entertain in those kind of feelings anymore. And you yourself is still trying to smooth it over with ya guy"

"But he doesn't care about me the way you do, we barely even knew each other but I feel like I've known you for a really long time Jacob. I just really appreciate you stepping up"

"I promised you I would"

She smiled again. "Yeah and we're having a girl by the way. I just couldn't wait anymore, I needed to know"

"Aww we having a girl huh? Mm, I can't wait till she gets here"

"Me neither, she's really going to have some good parents who love her it seems. I'm glad you're excited just as much as I am. I guess we can properly start thinking of some names for her.."

"Yeah I'm a start brainstorming, but I don't think I can right now. I'm so tired after work, I swear I be busy now more than ever"

"Well you are the temporary manager, what did you expect. I bet the extra pay is worth the tiredness"

"Yeah it is, I gotta get some kind of money now that we having a kid soon. We gon' have to get her room setup, clothes, loads of pampers, wipes, lotion, a crib...a stroller, a high chair later on...,baby food..."

"Okay Jacob I get it, damn. You ready for this ain't you, I can tell you're going to be a great father. I'm actually happy you're her father now instead of Chris.."


·The Next Day, April 8th·
📍Mil's shop

Sitting down at my desk in the back of the shop, I took a sip of my coffee and continued watching Grey's anatomy on my phone. I really felt like a damn boss in this place. I didn't have to cut hair as much, my pay has been raised, I got my own manager's office and everyone else under my fingers.

*Knock at the door*🚪

"Come in" I yelled, removing my feet from the wooden desk.

In came in a woman, a pretty one in fact. Her blue eyes caught my attention real quick as she came in with her eyebrows sharp and furious.

"Are you the manager of this place!?"

"Yes, what's going on ma'am?" I stood to my feet, putting down my phone.

"Your employees are so rude. I scheduled a hair appointment this afternoon and why when I get here...they told me that I never booked an appointment. So I said fine, maybe it was a misunderstanding...can I book anther one at the earliest opportunity. The lady at the desk said that you're full for the day. So I tried to reason with her, even told her I talked to a woman named Fran and everything, why didn't they book my appointment. Now I have to wait to get my hair done, like I have time. I have a major wedding to attend tomorrow morning and I'm in the bridesmaids. This is just such an inconvenience.." she folded her arms pissed.

"Hm, I see. When did you book your appointment?"

"A week ago, specifically for this date and everything because the wedding is tomorrow"

"Okay, I'm sorry about the attitude you received from my employee. I'll have a chat with her so don't worry and don't let what she did give you the wrong impression on how we do business here. By any chance, what were you looking to get done?"

"Well I wanted my hair washed and pressed. Its simple and I could do it myself but I'm just so busy with this damn wedding as it is" she laughed lightly.

I looked back and grabbed our scheduled appointments for today, seeing that we really were pretty booked up for today and sadly tomorrow too. Shit, I guess I gotta take matters into my own hands. I swear I'm a have a really long talk with Caitlyn, she can't be treating the customers like this.

"So we are pretty booked up unfortunately, but I know a little bit about straightening hair. I grew up with 6 girl cousins and I was the only boy so.."

"Oh thank you so much, I really appreciate it" she smiled.

"You're welcome and for the inconvenience, I'll do it for half the price okay ma'am. I'm sorry about that" I said, cleaning up my office to put my phone and things into my locker.

"Thank you, you're such a lifesaver right now...mister--?" she dragged on requesting my name.

"Jacob" I reached out my hand to shake with hers.

"Isabella" she shook, smiling. "I'm sorry for being bold but may I ask you something?"


"Are you seeing someone? I'm sorry but I just have to know"

", no I am not" I looked up.

"Are you looking at all?" ...damnit, a part of me wish I was now but no. I need to just do myself right and worry about my daughter and..still trying to get my ex back. Can't do that if I'm with someone else.

"Unfortunately no, I'm trying to just do me for a while before I get back into..the dating scene. I'm sorry"

"Oh...okay, I can understand that. I'm sorry for asking"

"Oh no don't be sorry, it's my lost actually. You're insanely beautiful and I'm kicking myself right now for passing up the opportunity. Its really my loss miss"

"It's my lost too, you're very polite and I really think you're attractive. But all feelings aside, I'll respect the fact that you wanna do you. Should we get started on my hair?"

"Absolutely, let me show you to the hair sink"

"I really tried to do right again after we broke up the first time. She was my goal at the end of all this, and maybe if I got my shit together...she'd at least talk to me again. No other woman could come in between of what I had for Brianna. I turned down all of em, even the one I wish I didn't because..they were just as beautiful. It was all about sacrifice. And I would sacrifice it all just to have a chance with her again.." Jacob said into the camera.

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