Chpt. 24

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·Following morning, September 15th· 📍My room. Jacob's Pov💛💞

I woke up this morning to a mean nasty-ass little girl I just can't seem to get enough of

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I woke up this morning to a mean nasty-ass little girl I just can't seem to get enough of. After all that arguing and play fighting we did late last night, it ended up turning sexual.

"Good morning" I smiled, grabbing hold of her hips as she sat there on top of me.

"Morning" she replied softly, looking down at me.

Seconds later, she leaned down unexpectedly and squished my cheek to make my lips pucker. Same old Brianna bull. I wish she stop doing that to me like I really got fat cheeks. I gave her a stale look to the face but then looked down at her figure, checking her out as she released my jaw from her hands.

"I love ya little-ass body" I complimented her, propping up my head on my arm.

"Why? Because I'm skinny as shit?"

"Why? Because I'm skinny as shit?"

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"I don't know why. I usually like my girls thick, you know but you got that slim thick body going on, a pear" 🍐🍐🍐

"A pear huh?"

"Yeah you know, because up top you're skinny but when you go down to them hips...mmm" I smiled, showing my teeth.

"I get it from my daddy" She laughed.

"You outta line"

We both smiled at one another, making us have a bit of an intimate moment all of a sudden. I reached up one of my hands to rub on her cheek softly. Watching the way she looked down at me in the warm moment, she was thinking of something about me right now.

Somehow it escalated once more between us. She moved down to my legs and pulled down my red plaid boxers, exposing myself to her eyes.

"What chu' doing now?" I chuckled, looking down at her. ..such a freak when she's not being mean.

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