Chpt 3.

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Warning: Mature content below. You've been warned.--Tay

"When can I come through...?"


·1 hour later· 📍My house
Brianna's Pov💕

Ecorting him upstairs immediately, I let go of his hand to open my bedroom door for us

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Ecorting him upstairs immediately, I let go of his hand to open my bedroom door for us. It was the perfect timing too, my sisters were off on a camping trip for the night and wouldn't be back home until tomorrow afternoon.

I was in need of a good time after that b.s. with Jada a few weeks ago. Its like the one time I actually tried to form a relationship with someone I really care about, fails. No wonder why I'm the type of girl that breaks hearts and settle for one night stands.

"So you're alone this evening?" he chuckled, entering my mildly decorated bedroom.

"Mhm, it works out great for us doesn't it. I can scream your name as loud as I want" I said seductively, pulling on his shirt in anticipation.

Jacob was quite the charmer I must say, it was much more than just wanting to have a good time. I actually couldn't wait to do it with him. He was so cute to me and I loved his eyes. I couldn't look at them for too long though,...I would get caught up.

But however, I looked up at them this one time, seeing them staring deeply into my own dark brown eyes as his his lips inverted to be bit down upon by his teeth inside. Showing me a reaction of the lust I was stirring up between us. ...He wanted me.

"The neighbors might know my name after tonight, because you are just...begging for it babe"

"You want me to beg for you?"

"If you really want it that badly" he said smoothly, leaning in to create bruises along my neck. ...maybe I wanted him badly too...really badly in fact😩

I grabbed his back in his embrace, knowing each time he kissed me sent chills down my spine. My hands came fingering through his nappy hair above as I looked over his shoulders in pure imagination of him dominating me tonight.

"Mmm, please hard f*ck me all over my bed...--..please" I begged in his ear, feeling my kitty throbbing through my underwear at the thought.

He stopped marking his territory and looked up at me seriously, rushing in to kiss my lips ever so hungrily. He pushed us back against my wall with the poster of Trey Songz, just to kiss me on the neck again and grind up against me with his erection.

I made myself useful, and helped him take off his shirt, exposing his tatted body loaded with muscles on each curve. I grabbed his back immediately after, desperately wanting his beautiful body on mine from this revealing. And once again Jacob was proving to be downright sexy to me...

I couldn't help myself any longer, I wanted him badly.

·10:12 pm·
*headboard banging seconds apart*

I gripped his back in awe, scratching down his spine to prove how mad he's driven me. I went even more mad when he grabbed both of my arms himself and placed them strictly up above my head, leaving me defenseless against his rough powerful strokes.

"Ahh!" I cried to him.

Seconds later he released my hands and wrapped his own around to cup my neck instantly. He also lifted up from my bare chest, property putting us into missionary as he grabbed the headboard with his other arm as leverage.

His pace inside increased dramatically, causing my quick reaction to gasp and grab a hold of his muscular arm attached to me.

Jacob's Pov💋

Looking down, I watched her turn pink in the face with my hand around her neck. It made it even better to d*ck her down like this, knowing she couldn't take it like she portrayed she could.

"Ouu shit--....*gasps* ahh! Fuck me Jacob..please.......ohhh--ah" She squealed, squeezing her eyes tightly and raising her eyebrows.

*Headboard banging rapidly*

I watched her head tilt back into the pillows immediately, perfectly forming an 'O' as her mouth while her body clapped in our ears.

"Sssss-...ughh--" I groaned myself, pushing through her tightening uterus.

"Oh my god-ahh! Oh-god --I'm close" she moaned higher. "Jacob oh-I'm cumming" she grabbed me tightly, clawing her nails into my shoulders. ...yeah I can definitely tell.

"Mmmm........mgggh" I concealed my moans, pushing through the pressure that was just so satisfying.

"Ahh Jacob please-- oh please.....fuck! I'm cumming...oh I'm cumming....ah! Ah! ....*gasps*...ohw-ah"

I roughly broke from her hold and stood up on my knees, pulling out quickly and ripping the condom off immediately before I could bust properly.

·12:57 am·

"Ssss-....sss-.....damn!" I moaned, slamming my head down on her pillows.

She continued throwing it back, riding the ish out of my member as it stuffed itself inside with each sway. It felt incredible for me, --well yeah because a nigga was about to cum yet again.

"Mmmmm, shit babe.....fuck yo" I squeezed my eyes and her cheeks in my palms.

*Flesh clapping*💢👀

I looked up at her breathless, staring at her lovely face as it glanced down a couple times at me too. Damn did she know how to bring her thick hips down, had my ish as stiff as a pipe itself.

I breathed out heavily, and guided her down even harder as my orgasm approached. I could feel her core all around my shaft, being suffocated by her walls as she pulled upwards on my tip.

"F--.......fuck!" I blurted out, relieving myself into a fresh new rubber I had on.

My chest pumped up and down quickly, feeling her hands rubbing up to my collar. I re-opened my eyes to meet hers above me. Surprisingly, she leaned down and softly kissed my lips, sending us into another make out as I held on to her ears.

At the moment, I knew I'd caught feelings...

Tay: okay okay. I just re-read this to edit it for you guys and I have to flipping say. I wrote the hell out of this part, it was so detailed and so realistic....and so poetic that I just had to give myself props Bruh. 👏

But I thank you guys for support, with out my supporters encouraging me to keep writing, I don't my writing would be this readable really lol.

Published July 27th.

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