Chpt. 58

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·Few minutes later·
Brianna's Pov💦

·Few minutes later· Brianna's Pov💦

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"Okay. So since I play this game all the time, I'll show y'all how it goes" I started off by passing out little devices to go on our fingers. "Okay, these little things go on your fingertips and is basically a small lie detector test, to measure your heart rate to tell us if your lying. And if you are, It'll ding. And as for the game, one person asks everyone a crazy question from the cards here in this pile. And yeah that's pretty much the game"

"Shit, I'm just worried about these questions. I hope they ain't over the top..." dad says, putting the device on his finger.

"Oh they are" I laughed, picking up the first card.

"Y'all want me to read the questions to everyone?" mom asks, looking around.

"You don't wanna play mom?" Riley asked.

"No I just wanna watch y'all play. Maybe next time"

I handed over the cards to her after that and put on a lie detector thingy too, seeing her look up to see if we're ready. Giving her the okay, she reads the first question, laughing a little at it too.

"Okay....Did y'all ever have sex?" she asked.

We all look at each other, answering "yes" for all of us, to hear that nobody's thingy went off.

"Welp. So much for waiting until marriage" she laughed, picking up the next question. "Do you moan during sex?....oh my god" she laughed.

"Yeah" me and the girls answer.

"If he hitting it right..." Brandi shrugged, laughing with me who agreed with her.

"Not me" dad says confidently.

*his buzzer goes off*🔊

We all laughed at his reaction, seeing him look over to our mom. "Babe have I ever moaned..?"

She folded her arms. "Yes Jamal..." she rolled her eyes.

"I do not! It's groaning"

"Yeah okay" she laughed. "Next question is.....'Have you ever had anal, or gave it?"

"Uh hell no" Ray said.

"Well your mom can answer that question for us easily" He laughed.

"Eww! Y'all had butt sex?!" Riley asked.

"Well since you're asking. Yes. Yes we do" mom answered, winking at our dad. parents are freaks too apparently.

"I um....I did it with my previous boyfriend" Brandi said.

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