Chpt. 28

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I knocked on the bathroom door and said "Green", seeing the handle jiggle before the door swung open. She rushed up and hugged me tightly, taking a minute to appreciate the fact that I wasn't hurt and everything was okay.

"Come on so I can get you home" I said, taking her hand.

·12:45 am· 📍My car

Driving her back home was a really quiet process, not once did she say anything. I felt bad for bringing her out tonight in this mess, I could see her shaking over there in her seat slightly...I knew she was shooken.

"You alright?" I asked, rubbing her leg.

"I'm alive..."

"Well yeah,..."

"I think we...should chill out for awhile Jay"

"What that mean?"

"It means chill out, like.....not talk for a while. Take a break...."


"Because...tonight was really scary for me. I was this close to being hit by a stray bullet" she said, showing me her arm with a red straight line that curved off of her skin. ...damn. I ain't know she almost got hit.

I leaned over quickly and kissed her markings on her arm. "I'm sorry.."

"I just don't think we should hang out anymore after this okay"

"Brianna why? I'm sorry you almost got hit but...why do it feel like you're blaming me. I didn't know they were going to start shooting...but I protected you more that I protected myself tonight"

"I'm sorry Jacob.." she looked away.

I huffed and leaned my head over, driving faster than before to get this over with.

"Now you got an attitude right. After I'm the one who almost got shot foolin' around with you tonight. Right. That's exactly how--"

"At least you're fucking alive Brianna like you said! I saved you and now you wanna cut me the fuck off!? Really?! Just shut the fuck up now and don't talk anymore while I'm driving"

·10 minutes later·
📍Brianna's house

I pulled up to the curb and put the car in park for her to get out. But of course...she wanted to sugar coat this argument.

"You know I love you Jay, I just don't wanna chill for a while. Not even niggas are out to get you. Why don't you understand that?"

"Brianna I do but it's just not fucking fair to me. What about me in this situation. Yes I understand it's dangerous but...I don't know. Just get out the car.." I sighed, looking down.

She sighed too and unhooked herself from the seatbelt. Stepping out of my car with her things and closing my door. Once the door was close, I shifted the car back into Drive and pulled off right away. Seeing her getting smaller and smaller in my mirrors as I headed back to my house.

·The following morning, October 6th·
Brianna's Pov💘 📍Home

·The following morning, October 6th·Brianna's Pov💘 📍Home

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