Chpt. 34

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·Couple minutes later·
Brianna's Pov 📍Andre's apartment

Walking up the pathway to his residence, south of Mami, I knocked and rung the door bell. A few seconds later, Dre answered the door and stepped aside for me to come in.

"Hey. What's up?"

"You mind if we talk, big guy?" I asked, stepping in.

"Yeah. Uh come on in"

Coming inside fully, I sit down on his couch and watch him come over to do the same. "What's up?" he asked again.

"Well first off...I'm a fucking kill you"

"Why?" he chuckled.

"Because...I think you got me pregnant" I confessed to him.

"Wait what?" he sat up from his slump position on the couch.

"Yeah but I still have to confirm it..."

"Wait, you're pregnant?"

"I don't know yet...but I just have this feeling that I am" I told him.

"But why you think it's me who's the father?"

"Because after the last time we did it...I felt...sick"

"Oh. Damn...."

"Yeah. But once I find out, I'll call you to let you know if it's true or not. But thats not all--"

"Aight, go on then"

"We can't flirt or have sex anymore either"

"Damn girl...why not?" he looked at me funny.

"I'm in love. I wanna try and just focus on him right now really" I confessed bodly.

"Lemme guess...its that pale nigga"

"Jacob isn't pale *laughs* but yeah its him. And please don't tell him about us still or that I might be pregnant with your possible baby" I gave him a sad look.

"I won't.." he simply said.

"Thank uou, Dre. But if me and him don't work out, guess who I'm calling" I smiled at him.

"Mmm. Can't wait for that" he licked his lips.

"But I have to go. I'll see you around okay" I got up and walked out of his house to go cut off Romeo next.

·1 hour later· 📍Romeo's dorm room

"Romeo we need talk" I said, sitting down on his bed.

"Okayyy" he dragged on, sounding suspicious of what we needed to discuss.

"Okay. I don't think we should do whatever this is anymore"

"Why?" his eyes widened.

"Because I'm trying to just focus on one guy right now and since I'm doing that...we can't have relations anymore"

"Oh" he looked away.

"I'm sorry Rome. Please don't be mad at me, I hope we can still be friends at least"

"I'm not mad Bri,'s fine" he assured me.

"If it makes you feel any better, I would like to go one last time" I smiled seductively.

"One last time huh?" he looked at me.

"Yes. I'll do whatever you want me to"

He smiled, showing his perfect white teeth in response to that. I guess we minds well end it with a bang, he was cool to you know for a while. But I think it's time to say goodbye.

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