Chpt. 15

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"--You invited me over so we know. Which was...amazing by the way, I'm sorry for scratching up your back you this hickey" she said, laying down on my chest from behind. ...fuck😐 please don't catch feelings. I just wanna be alone and away from women😭


"Oh so that's why my back hurts?" I asked her, feeling a bit of a sting on my back.

"Yeah, sorry about that. But I..-- I wanna see you again, you know after this. I know you just wanna do you and be alone but..I think-- I think we can get along quite nicely. What do you say?" she asked, hugging around my neck. girl who are you😭

"I don't know, I really don't need another girl on my arm right now--"

"I don't have to be your main, I was just suggesting that we can still have fun with each other after this. I really enjoyed myself with you"

"Um..." I dragged on, scratching the back of my head.

"I'll give you some time..."


·Present Day, February 6th, 2034·

Getting out of my car, I locked the doors and walked up to my mother's walkway in front of the house. From there, I rung the door bell and waited a good minute or so before she opened the door.

"Hi son" she smiled, stepping aside to let me in.

"Hey mama" I leaned down to give her a hug before going into the living room.

·5 minutes later·

"So what's on your mind today, Jacobson?" she asked, pulling down her eyeglasses to look above them.

"I just need some guidance mom, I feel like my life is taking a toll on who I am"

"How would it be doing that?"

"I keep making stupid decisions's costing me. I'm becoming less of a man. I'm cheating on females, seeing a bunch of em at the same time, and now I lost one and the other is pregnant" I confessed, biting my lip.

"Excuse me? Who's pregnant?"

"A girl"

"Boy I know that but she better be either that girl who was living with you or a secret wife I don't know about" she stopped reading her newspaper.

I sighed deeply. "Well she ain't either one, I um..met her at the club and I don't even know her-- ow" I whimpered feeling the newspaper roll hit me upside my head.

"Jacobson Michael Mendoza are you serious, I should smack you in that big ole head of yours so your brain can drop back down in the right place. You don't even know this woman but you still put your little wee wee in her unprotected. I gave you that wee wee to make kids with your wife, not no fucking hoes off the next corner!"

I said nothing and looked down.

"I can't believe this Jacob, what is wrong with you? Do mommy need to have another lesson with you? About the birds and the bees?"

"No mom, I just --I just fucked up okay. And I'm coming to my mother to talk it out with you. I just wanna do better and I will"

"You bet your ass you will. Getting hoes pregnant and you don't even know them. Ha. Do you even know the child's name?"

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