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-I wake up and have a huge headache. I rub my head and go and take a shower. I stand in the shower and I still have him in my mind. Who is he?! Why am I so worried about who is he?! I get out and do my makeup and get changed into my clothes.-
-I walk out and curl my hair to a cute beach wave style. I take some selfies and then go on social media until someone jumps on my bed..logan.-
- I laugh and go back on my phone-
- that got my attention-
Me: Logan who are the wdw boys?
Logan: best band in the world duh! They are coming in an hour.
Me: oh ok.
-Emma then walks in and wanted to know what all the noises were.-
-Logan and I laugh and I ask if I could talk to Emma in privacy. Logan agrees and runs off with his vlog camera.-
Emma: so what's up.
- I tell her everything about last night and she looks at me weridly-
Emma: well did you get his name? Number? Anything?
Me: nothing.
Emma: he sounds odd.
-we giggle and then we hear the doorbell ring-
-Emma and I walk out and Logan looks at us-
Logan: boys meet Emma and Lindsay
-they are all super cute. Emma is eyeballing this one guy with really cute blue Eyes. But then I make eye contact with the guy I saw last night I freeze.-
-All the boys come over and give us hugs and say hi and say their names-
-then The guy comes up to my ear and whispers-
Him: we met before. my names Zach.
-I giggle-
Zach: your laugh is cute.
- I role my eyes and smile.-
Me: no not really. - I whispered back-
-I caught Logan staring. My last relationship I tell people that it "didnt work out" more like I caught him cheating on me. Only Logan and my mom knows about that. So now ever since Logan has been over protective because he knew how bad I was hurt.-
Logan: You like Zach dont you.
-I look at him and playfully slap him-
Me: no I dont?! Him and I just met
Logan: mhmmmm.
-I roll my eyes and laugh-
- I then look over and see Daniel and Emma talking and blushing to much. I look over and catch Zach staring he looks down and blushes.-
-Zach then walks over to me-
Zach: hey wanna get out of here? There's a beach a little way. I can order an uber.
-I stare at him and I was about to answer. But I dont know what I should say.. Yes or no?-

~they just met a day ago. Should you trust him?! You know you want to say yes but something is telling you no? find out next chapter to see what you say~

Unexpected Love//Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now