Hang on..

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Daniels POV:

-Everything happened so fast.. Zach collapsed, he wasn't responsive. Lindsay tried to run to him but Sam got scared and shot her in the shoulder. she dropped on the ground and then police barged in the door. i ran to Lindsay and saw her crying she then pass out. I started to cry. many ambulances came. They quickly picked up Lindsay and carried her to the stretcher. Many paramedics were focused on Zach. He was hardly breathing. They got him to the ambulance and I hopped into the ambulance  where Lindsay was. I held her hand knowing that Zach would be happy that i would be there for her. When we got to the hospital Jack,Corbyn,Jonah were all there waiting. I sat down and the boys came over and we all hudled up praying everything would be ok..
*couple of hours pass*
Doctor: The family of Lindsay?
-we all stood up because we find Lindsay to be our family.-
-Logan then barged through the door with Jake behind him-
Logan & Jake: Where's our sister.
Doctor: are you guys related to Lindsay Paul?
Logan & Jake: Yes.
Logan: boys stay there. We are her brothers we should see her first.
Doctor: ok follow me.
Lindsay's POV:
-I woke up and looked around the room. I was in a Hospital room. Everything hurt. I could barely feel my arm and I was so confused. I couldn't remember much except seeing Zach collasp.-
-I then see the door open and I see Logan and Jake walk in-
Logan: little sis. Oh my God. Thank God your ok..
Jake: We should've been there for you. We should've never went to Hawaii knowing that your crazy Ex was still in town..
Logan: How are you feeling..
Me: I'm just really sore. My left arm feels like crap
Logan: you did get shot..
Jake: yeah that understandable.
- I then rememeber it all. I remember being in the ambulance and Daniel holding my hand. I remember seeing the cops running over to Sam and arresting him. I remember see them carrying away Zach on a stretcher. God please let him be ok-
Me: how long until I can get out of here
Logan: the doctor said maybe tomorrow.. But she doesn't know for sure..
Me: Where is Daniel and the why dont we boys.. May I please see them
-Logan and Jake then leave and Daniel walks in first.-
Me: guys just tell me. How is Zach doing..
-They all looked at each other and back to me with a sorrow face.-
Daniel: Lindsay.. the doctor wont give us that much information. But what we do know is that he has to broken ribs and internal bleeding.. He hasnt gone into acoma but there is a small chance he could... He got surgery.. So the internal bleeding stopped Making it a smaller chance that he would go into acoma.
-I started to cry even more. All of this is because of me.. Daniel came over to me and placed his hand on mine.-
Daniel: your going to be ok.. He will be Ok..
Just hang on Zach.. Just hang on...
~Hey guys so this is a longer one hope you guys like it ❤
Will Zach be ok?
Find out next chapter❤ Love you guys~

Unexpected Love//Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now