Christmas Eve

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*1 month later. Christmas Eve*
Lindsay's POV
-I wake up and roll to my Phone-
*12 pm. No new messages*
-I get up and walk down stairs. I moved out of Logans house and the girls and I moved in together. Nobody was home which was strange since Emma and Serena usually sleep till one. I make Coffee and turn the TV on and watch Hallmarks Christmas shows-
(Is it just me, but I LOVE when chritmas comes and Hallmark's Christmas movies come in. They are so flippen cute 😂 Now anyways back to the story)
- I get done watching Two of them and look at my phone-
*3:00pm No new messages*
-I look at my phone confused. No messages from Logan, Jake, Mom, Dad, Zach, any of the wdw boys or the girls. Call about a good Christmas Eve. It feels nice to get ignored. I roll my eyes and lay down on my couch and fall asleep-
Zach's POV
-Its Christmas Eve and everybody was helping me get ready for tomorrow. I hear a knock on my door-
Emma: Hey Zach!
Serena: What's up. What do you need us for?
-I show them the ring and Emma and Serena look up at me and back at the ring. Emma looked at me in shock and Serena was dancing around screaming.-
-Emma grabs the ring and looks at it like crazy, Serena then joins her-
Emma: I dont know what to say
Serena: Its gorgeous!
Me: Do you think she will like it?!
-Emma looked at me and smirked-
Emma: No not all Zachary
-I roll my eyes and she laughs.-
-She gives me back the ring and Daniel and Jack comes over.-
Daniel: I heard squealing what's going on?
-Emma and Serena giggle-
Me: I showed them the ring for Lindsay.
Jack: Ohhh
Serena: So what do you need us to do?
Me: Well Serena and Jack can you go buy the Roses. I can give you guys the money for it-
Jack: No no I got you. How many do you need?
Me: Hmm a lot of Rose petals would be good.
Serena: Mk we got this. Lets go babe.
-Serena and Jack went out the door hand and hand and left to go get the rose petals-
Daniel: What would you like Emma and I to do?
Me: Well if its ok. Emma if you can go to Lindsay and distract her alittle so she doesn't come over?
Emma: Will do. I will go over right now. Cya Baby
Daniel: Bye Princess.
-Emma leaves and the rest of the boys and I go and get back to work to set up the canapé and stage with all the flowers.-
Lindsay's POV
-I wake up from someone shaking me-
Emma: Lindsay come on wake up
-I look at her strangely and then role my eyes. She instantly looks at me oddly-
Emma: You ok?
Me: I dont know am I?! Its Christmas Eve and everybody is ignoring me!
Emma: I'm sorry. But here I am. Wanna go to the mall and do Chritmas Dress shopping?
-She always knows how to make me happy-
-We get up and I fix my makeup and hair and we head out to get our dresses. I check my phone and I see still no text messages from Zach. Why is he ignoring me?! I shake it off and focus on looking at dresses with Emma and having fun. We pick out our dresses and head home. Its now 9pm and still nothing from Zach. I start to get sad because he never ingores me.-
Me: Emma take me to the boys house.
-She hesitated for some odd reason and focused back on the road. She knows something-
Emma: Um why would you want to do that? Why don't we go home and watch Hallmark. I know how much you love it.
Me: What do you know.
-she went wide eyed but quickly changed her expression.-
Emma: Excuse me?
Me: Oh my God. Emma I know you to well cut it out. What do you know.
Emma: Lindsay. I dont know anything ok. If I did you know I would tell you.
-I roll my eyes and look out my window in anger. I know she knows something but she's just hiding it.-
Me: You know what fine take me home. Let's see who will come out of her room for Christmas.
-I now had tears in my eyes-
Zach's POV
-We finally finished and it looked beautiful-

 (Just imagine it all outside) -My phone then starts to ring-Phone call convo E: Zach, Lindsays really madZ: Why?!E: idk! Everybody ignored her all day and its Christmas Eve

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(Just imagine it all outside)
-My phone then starts to ring-
Phone call convo
E: Zach, Lindsays really mad
Z: Why?!
E: idk! Everybody ignored her all day and its Christmas Eve. She ran off to her room with tears in her eyes and is really mad.
Z: Ok I'm on my way.
E: ok
End of Call
-I walk out the door and drive to Lindsay's house.-
Emma: Shes in her room. Its locked good luck
- I walk up to her room and knock on her door-
Lindsay: Emma I told you I'm not coming out.
Me: Babe its Zach
-I hear foot steps and then the door opens. She had tears down her face and her hair was a mess.-
Lindsay: What..
Me: Look I'm sorry.. I was really busy today and I didnt think of texting you and it was all my fault I'm so sorry..
-She looked at my eyes she was trying to figure something out-
Lindsay: What were you doing. Emma wouldn't let me go to the boys house.
-I wanted to tell her so bad because her and I promised to never lie to each other and nether of us has lied to each other since the day we met.But this thing was to important and I had to keep it a surprise-
Me: Lindsay you know me and I would love to tell you but its a really big secret but you can find out tomorrow ok?
-She looked at me and sighed.-
Lindsay: Fine but you better make it up to me.
Me: Deal. What is it?
Lindsay: There's a really good Christmas movie coming on. You have to watch it with me.
-she smiled.-
Me: Ugh if I have to
-I said playfully. She knows how much I love spending time with her.-
Lindsay: I know right what a horrible punishment.
-She smirked and I pulled her into a hug and Kissed her.-
This is the girl I want to marry and never let go.. I hope she says yes..
~Hey guys so here is a really long chapter😄
So Will Lindsay say yes?
Find out next chapter :D~

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