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Emma's POV:

- I can't believe my mom forced me to go back to Florida. I told her so many times that Lindsay needed me. She didn't care, she was worried about my safety. I got off the plane and checked my phone. I didn't say goodbye to Daniel because i didn't have time.

Text Convo:

(E:Emma & D:Daniel)

D: Where are you?! Lindsay needs her best friend right now. Zach went into a coma. I need you.

- I started to brake down crying-

E: Babe. I want to be there so bad but my mom made me go back to Florida because she was worried about me..

D: Are you serious?! 

E: Im so sorry...

D: And you couldnt even come by for a second to say goodbye to me..?

E: Daniel...

D: I got to go.. bye Emma..

-I through my phone in frustration and walked out of the airport. But that was yesterday-

- Im still in Florida and I havent left my room. I went on social media and I went on Lindsay's page.-

LindsayPaul: We might've met in a Hospital room but together we are   amazing

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LindsayPaul: We might've met in a Hospital room but together we are   amazing.   

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Jackaverymusic: Serena lookin cute

Zachherron: That's my beautiful girlfriend 

SeaveyDaniel: Who would've  thought you guys would've met in a hospital room                                                                 LindsayPaul: @jackaverymusic remember hurt her and i will hurt you ;)

- I read the post and comments. I left for two days and she already moved on?! I stopped myself because i know that her and i are best friends and just because someone came up in her life doesn't mean we aren't friends. I guess Serena and Jack are also hitting it off from the comments-

- That's it I'm going back to L.A-

Daniels POV:

-I couldn't stop thinking about my small fight with Emma. I might've overreacted.. i felt really bad-

Lindsay: Hey Daniel! Are you ok?

Me: Yeah im fine

- She sighed and sat by me-

Lindsay: I think i would know if my best friend was doing ok or not

Me: Fine. Emma and I got in an argument..

Lindsay: What why?

Me: She left to Florida without saying goodbye and then i just over reacted and flipped out a bit.. Lindsay i really miss her..

-She then hugged me tight-

Lindsay: She will be back Daniel.. i promise.

Zach: I dont want to ruin this adorable friendship moment but um hi

- i looked behind me and Lindsay looked shocked-


- she ran to him and he hugged her tight. It just made me miss Emma more and more.-

I need her back..

-Hey guys!!!!

So will Emma come back to L.A

What will happen if she does or doesnt?

How are jack and Serena doing?

find out in the next few chapters~

Unexpected Love//Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now