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~I fell to the floor crying. Its all my fault. I should've never dated him in the first place..-
Me: I-its all m-my f-fault..
Zach: dont think that. its not your fault at all..
-Daniel comes running in with Jack behind him-
Daniel: what the matter what happened?!
-Zach grabs my phone and gives it to Daniel. He reads it and sets my phone back down, with tears in his eyes.-
Daniel: S-so Sam h-has her..
Me: I dont Know if he's really telling the truth.. But it appears so..
-I felt like I was going to get sick. Ive been so worked up. I run to the bathroom and through up. Zach walks in and holds my hair back and rubs my back.-
Me: I'm a mess. Because of me she is kidnapped because of me her life is in danger, if I wouldve never been so stupid we wouldn't be in this situation.
-I started to cry again. I can't even think of what he is doing to her.-
Zach: you can't go to that rooftop Lindsay. What if its a trap. I can't lose you..
Me: what if its not a trap. Zach if I dont go, lord only knows what he might do to her. I can't risk that.
Zach: if you go, I'm coming with you.
- I look at Zach and him and I make eye contact-
Me: Zach.. I can't risk you getting hurt...
Zach: no. Lindsay I'm going with you.
-Daniel then comes in-
Daniel: I'm going as well. I need to see her Lindsay.
Me: Fine. But nobody do anything. Let me do the trade. I will be fine..
-we all went out to the living room. I was so nervous. Daniel was pacing back and forth and Jack was trying to calm him down. Zach and I layed by each other cuddling for the last time before we left. My phone's alarm went off, indecating to leave and get to the rooftop. Daniel, Zach and I walked out the door. I took a deep breath-
Let's do this
~Hey guys!! Sorry I didnt upload yesterday, super busy ❤ Thank you guys for over 350 views 😄 Love you guys
So how will the trade go?
Will they get Emma back
How will Zach react towards Sam?
How will Lindsay deal with the trade.
How will Daniel react?
Find out next chapter :) ~

Unexpected Love//Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now