Hopeful yet Hopeless

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Lindsay's POV

-Its been one hole day tied up and completely hopeless. Everyday I swear Zach just gets worse and worse. He always tell me to keep my hope up. Every time I tell him I'm trying but deep inside me I lost all my hope. I feel so bad for him he didn't deserve this. He wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me. I did all this, this is all my fault. Sam left and I haven't seen Ryan at all what I think is the next day. When Sam left I turned around and looked at Zach. He looks in so much pain. I stretched out my legs to touch his. He looked up and smiled at me, but it isn't the smile that i would always see from him. I started to cry.-

Me: Zach.. this is all my fault.. you wouldn't be in this pain if it wasn't for me.. I'm so so sorry Zach...

Zach: Lindsay.. look at me... we are going to get out of here.. i promise you..

- I heard the door open and walked down Sam-

Sam: So its now been a day and now I'm bored... 

- Right then we heard a nock on a door from up stairs.-

Sam: Coming!!! This isn't over

-he looked at me and winked. I started to shack and shiver scared to see what he might do.-

Zach: You'll be ok.. I wont let him do anything to you.

-he tried to smile but all he did was wince in pain-

- I heard mumbling from upstairs and then I hear the door open. I look up and its Daniel and Ryan?! I give a confused look and I see Zach go wide eyes. That has to be Daniel, but he looks different?-

Sam: Oh Roger this is my girlfriend Lindsay.

Me: Ha you think i am, but i don't date people that tie me up, you dumb....

Sam: HAHAHA that's enough

- he gave me a nasty look and I just rolled my eyes.-

Sam: So i met a new friend that would love to help us with this situation. Tomorrow we are leaving and getting out of here

Roger: Yes i will be helping 

Ryan: Can i talk to you privately Sam?

Sam: yeah sure. Watch them Roger.

Roger: Will do

-Roger then turned around and looked at us and ran to me-

Roger: oh my god. Lindsay are you ok?!

Me: Daniel?!

( Daniel was 'Roger' just dressed up)

Daniel: You bet.

-he ran to Zach next and hugged him tight-

Zach: ow

Daniel: sorry.. sorry.. if I could kill him right now I would.

- i smiled and then Daniel told us the plan.-

Daniel: when we found out where your phone was signaled last we tracked it down to here. Ryan was already at the police office reporting Sam. Sam is all over the news. Theres no way he could get out of here. So the police are right down the road i just have to give them the signal and we are out of here.

Me: I knew Ryan didn't seem right in this situation.

Daniel: Theres no cell service down here im going to have to find a way to get back up there.

-We then heard the door open. We stopped talking and acted like nothing ever happen-

Daniel: Sam, bro where is the restrooms, as much as i want to watch these guys "suffer" i just need to go.

-i smirk and so does Zach-

Sam: yeah its upstairs and then just take a right and i guess i will wait for you to get back.

- he said in annoyance. i see Daniel head up and he gives me a wink and runs up quickly- 

-Then when Daniel comes back down many sirens approach and Sam goes wide eyes-


~Hey guys!! Ahhh thank you guys so much for over 500 views. Thats just crazy.

So what will Sam do now that he heard the sirens 

What is Daniel going to do

How is Zach doing?

After this hole situation, will this make Zach and Lindsay's relationship stronger or will it brake them?

Find out in the next Chapters. Love you guys~

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