Emma's Date

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Emma's Point of View

Daniel ordered us an Uber. When we arrived he helped me out of the car and held my hand as we walked along the beach.

Daniel: So Emma, um -he laughs-
Me: Yes Daniel? -I laugh as well-
Daniel: How long have you known Lindsay?
Me: Um about eight years now
Daniel: Wow thats a long time

We continue to talk and get to know each other for what seems like forever. But I dont mind because he's amazing. Daniel then points out the sunset.
Me: It's beautiful
Daniel: Not as beautiful as you though
-I blush-
Me: You know, you're not so bad yourself
-We both laugh and stop walking-

Daniel: You're so wonderful, and smart, and beautiful, and so many other things Emma. You're all I'm looking for in a girlfriend. So Emma I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?
Me: Oh my god Daniel you're so sweet and I'd love to be your girlfriend

-He hugs me. As we pull back from the hug we both freeze, staring into each others eyes. Before I know it he's leaning in and we kiss. It made me feel so warm inside, so happy.

Daniel's Point of View

Me: You're so wonderful, and smart, and beautiful, and so many other things Emma. You're all I'm looking for in a girlfriend. So Emma I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?
-I am so nervous what if she rejects me?-
Emma: Oh my god Daniel you're so sweet and I'd love to be your girlfriend
-I smile, this is one of the best moments of my life. I hug her which made me even happier.-
-We both pull back from our hug and I look into her eyes as she looks into mine. They're stunning, absolutely beautiful. Before I even think I start to lean in. She doesn't pull away. We kiss and it's amazing. I feel my happiest when I'm with her.-

-I order us an Uber to Logan's.-

Me: I had a great time tonight Emma
Emma: Me too
-I kiss her again and she pulls away to go inside.-
Me:Bye Emma
Emma: Bye Dani -she smiles-

-Dani? She called me Dani. I kinda like that.

~ Hey guys!! So my best friend who in real life name is Emma lol. She did this amazing Chapter! 

So Emma and Daniels date obs went amazing

How will Emma react when Lindsay tells her about how her date went

How will Lindsay react when Emma tells her how her date went?

Find out next Chapter!!! Also omg almost 200 views thats seriously crazy thank you guys so much Love you guys.~

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