Chritmas Day

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Lindsay's POV:
-I wake up and look over to my phone-
*December 25*
-My eyes went wide and I filled up with happiness. I turned around and realized that Zach slept over. I stood up and jumped on my bed. I might be 19 but I will never grow up. He growned at ended up falling off my bed. I instantly jumped off and went around to him dieing of laughter-
Me: Merry Christmas baby.
-I went to go get ready but he instantly pulled me back down and wrapped his hands around my waist.-
Zach: Merry Christmas princess
I love his morning voice
-I Kiss him and jumped into the shower. I took my shower and quickly got changed. I walked out and there was breakfast on my bed and a note. I picked it up-
Dear Princess.
You took forever in the shower so I decided to go back to the boys house. The boys and I wanted to get ready for today. Come over when your ready. I can't cook nor can the boys. If its ok if you and Serena can cook the ham. I would really apperiate it baby. Love you.
-I quickly eat my breakfeast and go in my closet and pull out all the presents for everybody and drag it down into my car. The girls and I join and we get changed into our Christmas dresses. I do the girls makeup and hair and we leave. We get to their house and we all grab the presents and walk in.-
-Emma and I started laughing because she sounded so serious. All the boys run over and look at Emma, Serena and I oddly because our faces were red from laughter. They looked at our presents in our hands and crossed their arms.-
Emma: Umm why do yall look mad.
Jonah: I think we clearly stated to not buy us any presents.
Me: Oh come on Jonah.
-They all rolled their eyes playfully and I looked at Zach and he looked oddly worried or stressed.-
-Corbyn takes the presents out of my hands and I walk over to Zach and wrap my hands around his neck.-
Me: You ok baby?
-He smiles-
Zach: Of course.
-Serena and I then walk over and prepare the ham and then Serena starts to make Desert. I hear a knock.-
Jake: Hey little sis.
Me: The goofballs have came.
Me: Omg hey Erika.
Erika: Hey girly
-Erika and I have became super close since she is my sister inlaw-
-I look down and Kong comes running in-
Logan: um why wouldn't I?
-I pick up Kong and play with him. Then after a while we hear anougher knock but all the guests were supposed to be Here. I go to the door and open it and there stood my mom. I haven't seen her since I moved To LA with Logan and Jake. Logan and Jake then notice and we all basically tackle her.-
Jake, Logan & I: MOM
-Jake and Logan leave-
Mom: Oh my god my baby you have gotten so big.
-I giggle and then Zach walks over beside me and holds on to my hand-
Me: Oh mom this is Zach
Mom: Ohhh so this is who you talk about all the time.
-She winks at me and I blush leaving Zach cracking up. I playfully slap him and we get back to blasting music. Serena and I finish cooking the Ham. I turn around and see Zach and my mom talking to what seems privately. She has her hands over her mouth and has tears in her eyes. I look at them confused and turn around to finish cooking. Zach then comes up behind me-
Me: Hey baby
Zach: Hey princess.
Me: What were you and my mom talking about?
Zach: I was just telling her about how amazing you are.
-I playfully slap him and roll my eyes-
Me: Great.
-Zach Helps me cut the ham and we pull out the stuffing, Deviled eggs and other Christmas foods idk 😂-
-Everybody sworms over and we all eat and talk and laugh all together as one. When we finish we all head over to the Christmas tree and start to open our presents.-
-I open Logan and Jakes first. It was beautiful diamond bracelet. I walk over to then and give them a huge hug-
Me: Goofballs its absolutely gorgoues you didnt have to do that at all.
-I open the rest and everybody opened theirs.-
Zach: Ok Lindsay. Now its time for my present.
-I look at him confused and look around and there was Zero presents wrapped around anywhere. I then get blindfolded from behind me.-
Me: Oh great.
-I then hear a lot of shuffling and moving around. I hear Emma and Serena giggling and basically quietly squealing.-
-Then I get gently picked up.-
Serena: Ok I won't try to hit you into anything
Me: Thxs.
-Her and I giggle. I then get hit with the cold breeze of LA. I start to shiver since I wasn't prepared to be standing outside. I then hear music start playing and Emma removes my blindfold. I ajust my eyes and then look straight ahead of me and cover my mouth. I see Zach in a Tux and rose trail leading to him. He stood there with a huge smile with a rose in his hand. I start to tear up and I see Emma and Serena with Tissues blowing their noises and getting rid of their tears. I start to walk down trail and now I'm crying and smiling. I reach Zach and he gently holds my hands.-
Zach: Since the day I met you I knew there was something about you that I would never find in anybody else. On our first date when we went to the movies I new right there and then that I would love you forever. You were everything I was looking for. If you never wouldve moved to LA I woulve never had found you. This has truly been the best 2 years of my Life and I want many more years to come.
-He goes down on one knee and now I'm full tears. He pulls out the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.-
Zach: Even tho we are 19 years old. its never to young be with someone you love with all your heart. Lindsay Marie Paul will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?
-He now had tears in his eyes and I couldn't stop smiling. Everyone was sobbing and I was crying with joy and shaking.-
Me: Yes yes yes a million times yes!
-He puts the ring on my finger and I hugged him tight and he swung me around. Everyone was hollering and Whistling. I couldn't stop smiling and Zach set me down and kissed me. Everything was going perfectly right-
Sam's POV (hahaha surprise)
-Aspen and I were on the hill we were watching it all go down. They were perfect. Everything for her was perfect. I clenched my hands into a fist. Aspen then looked over.-
Aspen: For all these years this is what we were waiting for.
Sam: Now our plan can finally go into place....
~Hey guys!!
So Lindsay said yes!!
So what is Aspen and Sam's plan?
Will it end well or bad?
Find out in the next chapters❤~

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