Happiness finally came back

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Zach's POV:

-I start to wake up and hear Lindsay talking. She's has her hand on mine and I can hear her crying.-

Lindsay:I know you probably cant hear me Zach..but I over heard Daniel talking.. Zach.. i need you. Please don't leave me. Hang in there please.. If you would g-go i would never forgive myself. I know this is all my fault. God.. Zach you make me the happiest person in the world. If i wouldn't have moved to L.A I would've never met the best person in the world which was you.. I could go on and on but.. I-I l-love you Zach...

-She broke down crying even more.. What she said almost made me cry myself.-

Me: I love you too Lindsay 

- I gently grabbed her hand and held it there. I opened my eyes softly and looked at her. She was crying and looked at me in confusion-

- i smirk and i look at her and see a wrap around her arm-

Me: What happened?

- i said looking at her shoulder.-

Me: When i ran to you because you passed out.. Sam over reacted and shot me...

- I grew furious but to only wince in pain and lean back-

Me: He's lucky hes in jail and I'm in a hospital room because if he wasn't i would've killed him

- She giggled. I missed that laugh and the happiness that was between us-

Lindsay: I'm going to go get the boys.

- she raced out and i leaned my head back down and fell asleep-

Lindsay's POV:

- I ran out the door full of excitement. I rammed into Daniel and i fell onto him.-

 - when i stared into his eyes i remembered the night when i fell on top of Zach and now him and I were here. My life has truly changed from just that one night.-


- he looked at me and smiled immensely and hugged me tight-

Daniel: I told you he would be ok

- I smiled and hugged him back. We stood back up and ran to get the boys and then i see Jack and Serena exchanging phones. Daniel and I crept up behind them and scared them both.-

-I stood by Serena and then put my finger on jack-

Me: Mistreat her Mr.Noodles and im gonna kill you 

- i said with a smile-

Jack: i wasnt planning on it

-he stated with a wink-

- i looked over at Serena and she was blushing. I took Jacks statement as a sassy remark and spun around and walked down the hall with Daniel trailing-

Me: Oh by the way big shot. Zach woke up.

- i said with a hair flip and then i hear running footsteps and Jack came up behind me and picked me up and ran down the hall to Zachs room. I couldn't stop laughing and when he reached his room he was wide awake and Corbyn and Jonah were talking to him. Daniel ran in with Jack close behind him. They all sat down leaving me no seats to sit on. I didn't mind so i just leaned on the wall and text Serena asking about what all happened between her and jack.-

Zach: Princess you can lay by me 

Me: Thank you but i don't want to hurt you Zachy

Zach: you wont. come on please 

Me: fineeee

- its not like i didn't want to. Im just clumsy and i didn't want to hurt him. So i carefully climbed in and layed next to him and he wrapped his arms around me and i actually was comfortable. I really missed this. We both ended up falling asleep-

Finally all my happiness is back..

- Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for over 950 views! Love you guys

How is Emma doing?

How are Emma and Daniel doing relationship wise?

Will her mom let her go back to LA?

Find out in the next chapter :D~

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