Horrible Reunion

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-I wake up and look around-
How did I get into my room?
-I check my phone-
New message from Zach💕
Z: Hey! You ended up falling asleep on my shoulder outside last night so I figured to call Logan and he picked you up and took you back home. Btw your cute when you sleep gorgoues.
- I smile at the text and get out of bed. I'm Still wearing his sweatshirt.-
I'm still not gonna give it back.
I decided I wanted Starbucks. So why not have it with Zach :). I call him-
Phone call:
(Z=Zach & M=Me)
Z: good morning princess
M: hey want to get Starbucks?
Z: sure I'll pick you up at 9
M: ok see you then Zachy
Z: oh so that's my knew nickname?
M: for now yes. -I giggle softly-
Z: cya later gorgeous
M: byeee
End of convo
- I quickly do my makeup and hair and hear a knock.-
- I run downstairs and grab my purse and open the door.-
Zach: Ready?
Me: ready!
-we walk out and get in the uber and get to Starbucks.-
-I go to walk in but he opens the door for me-
Me: what a gentleman -I laugh-
Zach: I try - he says with a smirk-
- we order our food and sit down and talk for a little bit until the unspeakable happens...-
Me: what is he doing here...
- I mumble-
-Zach looks up with a curious look-
Zach: what?
- my ex.. The one that cheated on me.. The one that I should've never loved.. The one that broke me.. Why is he here?!-
-he looked over and saw me I quickly grabbed my purse but before I could leave he was already here-
Sam: Lindsay?! Is that you
Me: just.. Please leave me alone..
-Zach looked at me and looked at Sam he was confused but kindave knew what was going on-
Sam: Lindsay look.. I didnt mean to hurt you.. You just... i guess you weren't good anough
- he said in a cocky tone-
Me: yeah I know that..
- i didn't even look at him. I wont. Until he grabbed my arm.-
Me: just leave me alone
- my voice cracking on every word-
Zach: you heard her. Leave her alone.
-Sam then looked over and Zach in shock-
Sam: excuse me?
Zach: you heard me. Now if you wouldn't mind Lindsay and I are now leaving.
-Zach grabbed my hand gently. Thats when Sam pushed Zach against the window and grabbed ahold of me. I'm done with this. I quickly slapped Sam across the face really hard and Zach and I left quickly. We reached Logans house and I just collapsed to the floor-
- now I was crying.-
I'm the cause of all of this. Sam was right. I'm not good anough. I dont deserve anybody. I dont deserve Zach..-
Zach: its ok.. Lindsay.. Your ok..
- Zach was rocking me back and forth-
Me: S-sam was r-right. I'm not g-good anough. I d-dont deserve anybody..
-Zach had his head on mine and still rocking me back and forth. He was so comforting. -
Zach: dont ever think that Lindsay. Your mean a lot to everybody. specially me..
Me: I love you Zach..
( shes saying that in a friendly way ;)
Zach: I love you too Lindsay..

~Hey guys!! So Some drama happened!!
Was that the last time we will see Sam?
How's Emma and Daniel doing
How will Lindsay's act now that this all happened?
How will Zach act now that all this happen?
Find out next chapter❤~

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