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Serena's POV:

-After Lindsay and I got done talking, I had to go back down to the cafeteria to clean the tables off. I couldn't get Jack off my mind. Lindsay said he likes me. But i highly doubt that. I continued scrubbing till someone reached behind me and grabbed it from me-

Me: Really?! 

- I turned around and saw jack with the sponge in his hand.-

Jack: Really what?

Me: Sorry I thought you were some jerk 

- I said with a giggle.-

Jack: You have a cute laugh

-I blushed and looked down-

Me: Ha thxs.

Me: Wait how did you know I was down here?  

Jack: Lindsay suggested that I should go find you

Me: Oh so Lindsay did this? 

Jack: ok maybe i wanted to see you...

-He said while scratching the back of his head-

Me: That's what i thought noodles

Jack: Noodles?

Me: Lindsay told me some things

-I giggled and then grabbed the sponge from his hand and walked back to the kitchen area. He then grabbed my hand-

Jack: I never got your number. 

- I blushed and smiled. We exchanged phones and then Lindsay and Daniel popped up behind us and scared us. Jack fell to the floor and Lindsay, Daniel and I couldn't stop laughing.-

Lindsay: So exchanging phone numbers??

Daniel: I think that is what we saw Lindsay

-Personally I think Daniel and Lindsay would be a cute couple. But I haven't met Zach yet.-

- Jack stood up and glared at Lindsay-

-Lindsay then stood by me and put her finger on Jack-

Lindsay: Mistreat her Mr.Noodles and I'm gonna kill you

Jack: I wasn't planning on it 

-He said while looking at me and i put my head down smiling and blushing-

-Lindsay then went wide eyed and walked off pulling Daniel with her-

Lindsay: Oh by the way big shot. Zach woke up

-Jack jumped back and went wide eyed with excitement-

Jack: Text me

-He then ran off and picked up Lindsay and ran super fast with Daniel trailing-

-I giggled softly and looked at my phone and smiled-

How is he so perfect...

~ Hey guys!!!!! Ahhh so cute :D

So how will Serena and Jack be together 

What will Lindsay and Zach do now that Zach is discharged 

How is Emma and Daniel doing?

Find out in the next few chapters :D Love you guys~

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