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Lindsay's POV:
Zach: Shhh dont wake up mommy
?: Shes gonna be so surprised.
I heard many whispers and I tossed in my bed. I opened my eyes and saw many roses followed with the beautiful smell of breakfast. I smiled and saw my beautiful children holding the roses and Zach with a tray of my favorite breakfast meal.
? #2: HAPPY
Zach: Surprise beautiful
Luna carefully set the roses down on my nightstand and Luna jumped onto the Bed, since Trey is only 3 he can't get up on the bed I bent over and picked him up and set him on the bed.  Luna is 6 so she can do alot more then Trey can. Trey stood up and started to dance a little while giggling. Luna sat by me and hugged me. Zach reached over and kissed me.
Zach: Happy Mothers day princes.
Me: After all these years you still call me princess.
Zach: I'll never stop.
Luna then startes jumping on the bed.
Luna: When will Amanda come over to play?
Amanda is Serena and Jacks 5 year old  baby girl. Luna and Amanda are extremely close with each other.
Me: They will come over soon. Then Aunt Emma and Uncle Daniel will come over with Jackson.
Jackson is their 1 year old baby boy.
Luna: I'm going to go get ready
She jumped off and ran down to her room. I looked over to my side and saw my two boys snuggled up sleeping. I smiled and ate my breakfast. Then a hand reached over and grabbed a strawberry. I looked over and see that Zach stole my strawberry.
Me: Excuse you
He smiled and ate it.
Zach: What?
I playfully rolled my eyes and finished my breakfast. Zach and I then got off the bed and he took my dishes and I thanked him. Trey started dancing and I grabbed my phone and recorded it. He would always love to dance and sing. He definitely got that from his father. I then posted the video on social media. Over the couple years. Logan passed Pewdiepie and is basically the king of YouTube. Jake is also close to Logan as well. I signed up for a model company and apperntly I'm Mrs. Americas top model. The boys are still a band and have grown like crazy. They are Americas Top Band. I'm so proud of them. I got lost in train of thought and then heard a knock on the door.
I giggled and went to the bed and picked up Trey and carried him down the steps. Zach opened the door and Amanda came running in.
Amanda: LUNA
We all laughed at how excited they are.
Me: Are you sure they aren't sisters?
Jack: Wouldn't be surprised.
We laughed and Amanda and Luna ran outside to their treehouse. Trey slowly made his way to Jack and Jack picked him up and swung him around. I smiled and went to Serena and gave her a hug.
Me: Happy mothers Day
Serena: Happy mothers Day
Zach and Jack were playing around with Trey while we can Hear Luna and Amanda playing Dolls outside.
Serena: how did we get so lucky?
I let out a small laugh
Me: I don't know but I'm so Happy to have you guys.
Serena: Me to. Oh did you hear Sam is getting charged with serious stalking charges and many more serious things. They will be sending him to a very high security unit. He's not getting out of there.
I smiled Imensily and Zach came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
Zach: See I told you. He's never coming back.
I turned around and he kissed me. I smiled
Me: Good.
After about an hour later we didnt hear from Emma or Daniel at all. Then there was a knock on the door. I opened it and there stood Emma and Daniel with their son Jackson. They were out of breath.
Me: Oh My god are you guys ok?
Zach grabbed Jackson from their hands and they sat down.
Emma: We tried to get here as soon as possible but their was news casts, popperize, fans, basically everything standing outside of our dang door.
Daniel: Ugh can't wait to move out of their.
Jack: You guys need to seriously live in a private facility.
Zach: Yeah we live in a private facility as well and we get no popperiza, news casts, fans or anything.
Emma: Man that sounds amazing.
Me: They have alot of huge houses down the street.
Daniel: We will do that later I think.
We all smiled and went on our day and had a lot of fun. Trey and Jackson ended up falling asleep, so did Amanda and Luna.
Me: We have many rooms that are avaible for you guys to sleep in wanna just sleep over?
Emma: A girl sleepover?!
Serena: Haven't had one of thoses in ages.
Me: Heck ya
Zach,Jack,Daniel: What about us?
Me: You still got the other half of the house. But dont be to loud. You dont want to wake up the kids.
They all shook their heads yes and the girls and I ran into the room with the huge Projector. We watched the best movie ever. We laughed and then cried. But it was the best sleepover ever. My life couldn't be more complete.
Heres is the end of this book :D
Hope you guys enjoyed the book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I couldn't thank you guys anough for all the support you guys have given me. There won't be a sequal I'm really sorry. School is starting back up for me actually tomorrow. So writing two books for be hard for me to do. But I do have anougher book. Its called Uncontrollable//Jack Avery. Go check it out❤ Love you guys so so much

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