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-It was the next day-
-I tossed and turned to wake up. When I opened my eyes my head filled with happiness. Remembering everything from last night just made me smiled.Someone then body slammed on to my bed.-
Emma: Ahh Good morning!! How was your date!!!
Me: Magical
-I said while playfully rolling my eyes-
Emma: No seriously did you guys kiss or anything.
Me: well might as well be honest.. We did. And he asked me out!!
Emma: Nu uh
Me: Yeah!! How was your date?
-I said while nudging her arm-
Emma: it really was beautiful. He asked me out and we kissed maybe 2 times
- I sat up and looked at her In aw.-
Me: I totally ship you guys together
-I said while screaming-
-my phone then starts to go off. Its Zach-
Emma: I'll let you get that
-she said with a wink and then walked off-
Phone call:
(Z=Zach & M=Me)
M: Good morning
Zach: Good Morning Princess. How did you sleep?
M: actually not so bad. How about you?
Z: wish you were with me
M: -I rolled my eyes and giggled- Oh you did?
Z: Yeah
M: ok well do you want to come over tonight for a movie.
Z: Sure. See you tonight princess
M: See you Tonight babe
End of Convo
Sam's Point of View:
Does she really think she can get her boyfriend involved into this?! I don't think so. Its time for some payback. And there's only one way...

~Hey guys!!! Thank you guys so much for over 200 reads thats crazy
This is a little shorter one. Later today I will make a longer one :)
So what is Sam going to do?
Why does he want Lindsay back so badly?
Find out in the next few chapters❤~
So What is Sam going to do

Unexpected Love//Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now