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Zach's POV:
- I walked away from Lindsay when I saw Her on her phone. Daniel Jack and I have been planning on Propsing to the girls for some time now. I went to go find the guys quickly so we can leave. We all met up and headed off to the store. I can tell everybody was beyond nervous.-
Me: Guys I'm just I'm afraid what if I get the ring and go to Logan to ask his blessing and he says no..
Jack: Zach he's defiantly going to say yes. If he didn't like you he wouldn't let Lindsay date you
Daniel: Exactly just like What jack said.
- We get to the store and look around. I get a phone call from Lindsay. All the boys look at me and went wide eyes. Their phones then started to ring. We can't tell them that we are looking at rings.-
Phone Call Convo
M: Hey baby
L: Zach where are you and the boys are you guys ok?!
M: Sorry I didnt call you we are just looking around at a grocery store. Do you need anything?
L: Oh ok sorry I just.. I know it has been two years but hearing on the news that someone bailed Sam out I'm just worried..
M: I understand Lindsay. But I'm ok baby. Gotta go the boys need me
L: Ok Love ya
M: Love ya to
End of convo
- I put my phone back in my pocket and keep looking around. I finally find the perfect one and try to guess a little on what size she is. I see Jack and Daniel around the store.-
Store Person: Here you go sir. Best of Luck, she will love it.
-I smile and walk over to Daniel and Jack who just got done shopping.-
Me: Well let's get to Logans
- We head into the car and I get into the car and the boys were about to get out-
Me: No no I got this. Thxs
- I get into the elevator and worry a little since I'm terrified of Elevators. It stops and I quickly get out and reach his door. I take a deep breath and knock-
Logan: ITZ DA BOIZZZ..wait its just you Zach?
Me: Yeah um can you um put your vlog camera down its honestly really important..
- He sets his camera down and looks at me concerned.-
Logan: Bro chill are you gud bro?
Me: icametoaskyouforyourblessing
- I say super fast-
Logan: Woah woah. Repeat, slow down
Me: Logan I want to marry Lindsay..
- He went wide eyed in shock-
Logan: I dont know what to say. First lemme see the ring
- I pull it out and show him-

 First lemme see the ring - I pull it out and show him-

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-He went wide eyed again and stood up-
Logan: Bro.. Thats fricken.. Amazing!
- I rub the back of my head and smile and put the ring back in the box and into my pocket.-
Me: So um is that a yes?
Logan: OF COURSE!!
- I instantly looked up and smiled-
Logan: MY BOI GONNA ASK MY LITTLE SISTER TO MARRY HIM. Wait my little sister is going to get married before me.. So not fair..
-I laughed and got up-
Me: I gotta go. Daniel and Jack are waiting for me down there.
Logan: Mk bye bro.
- I walk out and head back down and see Jack and Daniel get out of the car and smile.-
Jack: What did he say
Me: He said yes
-They both smiled and did alittle dance. I rolled my eyes and smirked and we both got in the car and headed our way to the house-
Now I just hope she says yes..
~Hey Guys!!!
So When will Zach ask Lindsay to marry him?
Will she say yes?
How will her friends react when they find out Zach wants to propose to Lindsay?
Find out in the next chapters❤~

Unexpected Love//Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now