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Lindsay's POV
-I couldn't sleep at all that night. I couldn't stop worrying about Zach. Daniel layed by me holding me tight all night. (He's just doing that because Lindsay is his Best friend. So he wants to be there for her). Daniel barely got any sleep because he was mainly worried about me. I would randomly cry, leading to Daniel trying to calm me down.-
Daniel: Hes going to be ok. He's going to come back
Me: What if he's not and we can't find him. What are we going to do..
Daniel: I promise you Lindsay. I know Zach. He wouldn't just leave you Lindsay. He will come back..
-I started to finally doze off with Daniel comforting me.-
*Next Day*
-I wake up and turn around and I see Daniel is gone. I then here muffle talking.-
Emma: Are you kidding me Daniel. I walk in and I see you and Lindsay cuddling
Daniel: Emma its not what it looked like
Emma: Oh sure because I've seen the way you look at Lindsay.
Daniel: Are you serious Emma. Shes my best friend. Zach ran after Sam and he hasn't returned. Do you not realize how sad and hurt she is. She's been through alot. So I was trying to be a good friend and be there for her because thats what friends do.
-I didnt want to hear the rest I stood up and then something shimmery caught my eye. It was my wedding ring on my finger. I look down and smile at it leading me to cry.-
Me: I just want you back..
-I then get startled by a nock coming from downstairs.-
Daniels POV
-I wake up and look and see Emma staring looking shocked. Her and I made eye contact and she rolled her eyes and walked away. I got out of bed and went to our room. I knocked lightly-
Emma: What do you possibly want
Me: Emma please just open
-She opens it with tears coming down her face-
Emma: Y-you like Lindsay dont you
-I gave her a shocked Face-
Me: Emma I love you your the only I like. She's just a friend ok.
Emma: Are you kidding me Daniel. I walk in and I see you and Lindsay cuddling. That doesn't seem real friendly to me.
Me: Emma its not what it looked like
Emma: Oh sure because I've seen the way you look at Lindsay.
Me: Are you serious Emma. Shes my best friend. Zach ran after Sam and he hasn't returned. Do you not realize how sad and hurt she is. She's been through alot. So I was trying to be a good friend and be there for her because thats what friends do.
-I then gently grabbed her face wiping the tears off her cheek-
Emma: Your right. Someone needed to be there for her. I'm sorry.
-I then hugged her tightly and kissed her on the for head.-
Me: I will love you and only you and nothing can ever change that.
-We were both slightly startled when we heard a nock from downstairs. Emma and I look and each other with hope. We both know who it is-
Zach's POV
-I quickly turned a corner falling the guy. I was out of breath but I was to determined to stop. The only thing that was on my mind that if I dont catch up to him that he'll just come back and try to hurt somebody. I saw him turn a corner but when I did I lost him. I layed my head against the fall trying to catch my breath. I felt so week because it felt like I was running for hours. I repeatly kicked the wall and punching it in frustration. My nuckles start to bleed leading me to stop. I pulled out my phone to only see many missed calls and texts from everybody. But on caught my eye. Lindsay tried calling me the most. I could only imagine how much I put her through. I felt bad because I didn't think of her at the time. I tried to call back but I had no signal. I tried to remember how to get back home. So I started to head back home. It started to pour outside leaving me drenched in my clothing.-
-After hours of going down the wrong rode. Going the wrong direction and having to turn around. I finally made it. I approached the door and knocked. Jonah then opened the door and looked shocked. He gave me a giant hug-
-I then heard many footsteps and the first one to reach down the stairs was Lindsay. She looked at me in shock and I started to tear up because I could tell that she has been crying. She then ran over to me and jumped into my arms crying. I spun her around and she then let go and she stared at me. She then lightly slapped me in the arm.
Lindsay: Next time dont you ever do that again
-She had a huge smile on her face. We kissed and then we hugged again-
Me: Lets not have a next time
~Hey guys :D
So Zachs ok!
So will Sam make a reappearance
When will Jack and Daniel Propose to the girls.
Will Aspen get out of prison
Find out in the next chapters 😄~

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