The Movies

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Zach: Hey um.. I was wondering if you wanted to come the boys house tonight and we can watch a movie. when they go over to your house?
- I stood there for a second thinking it over. -
Why am I even hesitating? Why is there still something holding me back?-
Me: sure! What time?
-Zach gave a huge smile through the screen-
Zach: well the boys are about to leave so now would be ok. I can pick you up.
Me: Ok! See you then
Zach: bye gorgeous
-he ended the call with a wink-
- I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself and quickly finished my makeup-
-there was a sudden knock on my door-
Emma: Hey linds
Me: hey there emms
Emma: what's up?
Me: guess what
Emma: what?
Me: Zach asked me to go to his house and watch a movie to his house!!
Me: ha thxs. What about you and Daniel. I saw on the facetime. Zach midave should me 😉
Emma: oh.. Well I mean..
Me: you guys are totally a thing.
Emma: eh
Me: welp gotta go to watch a movie byes. And also The why dont we boys are comin over in a bit .
Emma: wait what?!
Me: surprise!
-I said while giggling-
- I then get a text-
Text message
Z: hey I'm going up the elevator with the boys
M: kk see you soon
End of Convo
Me: hey guys !
Emma: heyo
Me: Logan can I speak to you?
Logan: sure what's up little sis.
Me: is it ok If Zach and I go watch a movies at the boys house?
Logan: sure little sis.
he said that way to calm..
Me: thxs big bro. See ya later.
-Zach and I go out the door and get to his house.-
-I've never been to their house its so huge. I stand in the door way in shock.-
Zach: ik ik its pretty big. - I look at him and laugh-
Zach: so what movie would you like to watch?
Me: I don't really know. You pick.
Zach: ok. How about a horror movie?
-I've always been scared of horror movies. I hate them-
Me: I dont know.. I'm terrified of horror movies...-
Zach: Dont worry. I got you -he said with a wink-
Why does he have to be so cute..
Me: ok fine..
-he puts on the movie and I sit close to him. When a jump scare came I screamed and jumped into Zach hiding myself. He was laughing so hard while I'm shaking-
- I get up and walk outside and fold my arms-
Me: yeah thats definitely halrious
Zach: oh come on Lindsay I'm sorry..
-I sat down and enjoyed the sunset when Zach came over and sat by me-
Zach: its truly beautiful
Me: it really is
- we sit there for a little bit and it starts to get chilly-
Zach: here wear this.
-He gives me his sweatshirt. I put it on. Its so comfy.-
Me: your never getting this back
-I said to him with a wink-
Zach: nooo my favorite sweatshirt
- I giggle and lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes-
I'm really falling for him

~Hey guys!! Ok so I love this chapter its so cute 😂
right now its just them falling in love with each other and all that cute stuff. But in a couple of chapters some people will return and stuff will get interesting. Hope you guys like it so far . Cant believe already almost 100 reads???!! What??!!!  Love you guys❤

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