Bells Prt 2

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Zach's POV
-I walked into the lobby to go see Lindsay since she had a brake but I couldn't find her. I start to walk out of the lobby but many people were surrounded by the Television. I walk up and I see Serena on the phone looking worried and Jack came behind me.-
Jack: Um Zach we need to go.
Me: What?! What's the matter.
-I made my way through the crowd and looked at the screen.-
News Reporter: Braking News Lindsay Paul, Zach Herron's fiancé, caught holding hands in one of Americas Favorite coffee places Starbucks.
-I looked back at the boys and Daniel looked shocked as well.-
Daniel: Zach I know for sure Lindsay would never do anything like this. I know her way to well.
Zach: I know this isn't like her. I just dont know..
Daniel: Listen. Its your guys 3 year aniversy and you guys are going to get married today. You know Lindsay better then any of us. She would never cheat on you. She loves you.
-He was right, I know he was right. But I had to make sure I can believe him. Emma then barged through the crowd and came over to me out of breath.-
Emma: I-I got here as soon as possible. She's not cheating on you Zach. Thats her best friend From Ohio. Those two are like brother and sister. I know Collin he would never try to make a Move with Lindsay especially on her wedding day.
Serena: Guys..
-We all looked at Serena-
Serena: I just got off the phone with Collin. Lindsay ran off crying. Apparently she mumbled something about you Zach. Something like Zach will know. I dont know But she has a makeup appoiment and you have a hair appointment in an hour. You better hurry and get her back.
-I ran out of the Hotel Lobby and headed to the beach. I know how much she loves this place. It was where our first date was. I walked down and saw her sitting there curled up in a ball crying. Her hair was absolutely beautiful. That had to of been her wedding hair for today. I sat by her and engolfed her in a hug. She pulled away and looked at me.-
Lindsay: I-im so sorry. You probably dont believe me and thats fine. I'm so sorry.. I promise you that he's just a friend-
-I kissed her and she kissed back. I looked at her-
Me: Lindsay I believe you. I just need to know why he was holding your hand.
Lindsay: He was my best friend from Ohio. Weve known each other since we were little babies. He's like a brother to me. I was telling him about Sam and he could tell how upset I was so he held my hand for comfort. It was my fault for holding his hand back.
Me: Lindsay no it isn't. Its the news fault for assuming stuff that I know and all the boys know that you wouldnt do something like that.
-She smiled and hugged me tight.-
Lindsay: I'm so happy for today.. OH MY GOD I FORGOT ABOUT MY MAKEUP APPOIMENT.
-She quickly got up and pulled me with her while laughing I picked her up and ran back to the lobby. She couldn't stop laughing so I set her down while laughing. She quickly ran down to Christina and I headed back to my room to get my hair done.
Today is going to be amazing

Unexpected Love//Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now