Come Back

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Zach's POV:
-Lindsay started shaking me to wake up-
Lindsay: Zach! Zach! Someone is in the house.
-I quickly turned around and looked at her. She looked terrified and was shaking. Logan that crepted in.-
Logan: Yo guys theirs someone downstairs.
Lindsay: What are we going to do Logan.
-She starts to have a Panick attack. I hug her tight and then we hear screaming and then stuff getting thrown. Logan and I look at each other. The voice sounded so familiar.-
-Logan Turns around and runs downstairs and he starts yelling-
-We hear anougher crash with a lot of yelling. Serena and Emma run in and I run out. I quickly run down stairs with Daniel and Jack running behind me. Logan is holding someone down with. Jonah on the phone. Jake rushes down and I look behind to see someone trying to run off. I quickly run over with the boys calling my name. I quickly tackle the person. He was a lot taller then me so I was shocked that I tackled him. I tried to hold him down but it wasn't going well. He ended up pushing me back and punched me in the jaw. I flinched back clenching my jaw. (R.I.P Zach's perfect Jawline). The person looked back at me and started to Run. I'm not going to let him just leave. I started to run after him. Jack and Daniel were calling my name but I ingored them. They started running towards me but I had to much of a head start.-
Lindsay's POV:
-Zach and Logan ran down the steps to go see what was happening.The girls ran in Zach's room trying to calm me down since I was having a panic attack.-
Emma: its going to be ok. Logan, Jake and the rest of the boys ran down there. They will be able to take care of it.
-I then hear what sounded like Daniel and Jack yelling at Zach. I jolt out of the bed and run down the stairs with the girls running behind me. I then see Daniel and Jack jolting out the door yelling Zach's name. I go to run out as well but Emma and Serena latch onto me and pull me back. I almost brake free but Jonah then picks me up.-
Jonah: Lindsay settle. Jack and Daniel went to go get him.
-I try to get out of his grip even harder but then my body just shut down leaving me to collapse and start crying. Jonah kneels down and hugs me tight while I cry into his chest. Sirens then erupted and cops came barging through the room. They hold up the person that Logan and Jake were holding down. The mask falls off and it reveals Aspen. Everybody gasps except Logan and Jake. I then grow furious and I get out of Jonahs grip and go to run to aspen but a police officer pulls me off. I quickly try to get out but he doesn't let go. Aspen looked at me and smirked-
Aspen: Oh sweetie I think you can put the pieces together.
-She winks at me and the officer drags her off. I stand there still being held by the officer and it hit me. Logan stares at me and the officer let me go. I run to him and latch on.-
Me: Logan i-i know who Zach ran after..
Logan: Lindsay who
Me: S-sam. It makes sense now. She bailed him out and everything. Zach's in danger Logan...
-The door then flies open and there stands Daniel and Jack. They were out of breath and collapsed to the floor. Emma and Serena ran to them. I let go of Logan and ran to them. I now had tears in my eyes again and knelt near them.-
Me: D-Daniel...
-He let go of Emma and looked at me. His face dropped. I knew what he was going to tell me so then I broke down crying. I can't lose Zach not again. I will not. I promised myself I wont. Daniel wrapped his arms around me.-
Daniel: I-im sorry. He was just to fast and determined. We ran as far as we could but he turned a corner and we lost him.. I'm sorry Lindsay.
-I held him tighter. I need Zach right now more then ever. I walked away and looked at my ring. I took it off and held it tight to my heart.-
Me: Zach.. Just come back..please..
~Hey guys.
So is Zach ok?
Will he come back?
Find out next chapter❤~

Unexpected Love//Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now