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Lindsay's POV:
*1 Month Later*
- Its now the first day for back to school. Since Zach, Serena, Emma and I are all 16 we still have highschool. Since I moved here in May a week before the last day of school, I've never been to this school before. I woke up and rolled Around. I ended up falling asleep till I heard my alarm go off again. I look up and realized I'm Major time late. I run to my closet and just through something on and grab a crop top and cute leggings with Black boots and grabbed my book bag and headed out. I started to Text Zach on the way there. -
Text convo:
Z: Hey babe where are you?!
M: sorry I slept in I'll be there soon. I'm on the way.
Z: k. I'll be in the entrance. Love ya baby be careful ❤
M: will do handsome. Love ya babe😚
End of convo
- I reach the school and go to walk in a couple of people stared at me and tried tacking selfies with me. I took a couple since I'm used to being kindave famous for Dating a band member and being the little sister of two social media stars. I walk down the hall and see my girls. But no Zach.-
Serena: Dang girl your getting a lot of selfies over there.
- I roll my eyes and smile-
Me: ha I guess.
Emma: My best friend famousss
Me: Shut up.
- we giggled and I started to walk forward and I turn around and I just froze-
- Zach was pressed up against a locker with a girl kissing him. He saw me in the corner of his eye and pushed her off.-
-the girl looked over and smirked-
Zach: Lindsay.. Its not what it looked like at all. she kissed me I swear I didnt.
-Serena came up behind me-
-Many people started looking and I just stood there with anger and sadness. Emma went to say something else. Everything just froze for me I started to have one of my many panic attacks. I trusted him and he did this to me?! I started to burst out crying and went to turn around when someone grabbed my arm I turn around and its Zach. I looked at him and he looked like he was going to cry but I ignored it and filled up with anger and broke out of his grip and ran off. I heard Serena and Emma calling my name and then I hear Emma flippening out on Zach and Serena trying to hold her back. I ingore them and run off to Logans place and slam open the door and Logan sees me and goes to go get me. But I ran to fast to my room and cried in my bed.-
Zach's POV:
-I didnt see Lindsay anywhere and I started to get alittle worried.
Text convo:
M: Hey babe where are you?!
L: sorry I slept in I'll be there soon. I'm on the way.
M: k. I'll be in the entrance. Love ya baby be careful ❤
L: will do handsome. Love ya babe😚
End of convo
-I smile at her response and I get tapped on the shoulder. I turn around and I see a girl smile-
Girl: Hey um I was trying to look for this class room can you show me?
Me: Sure I guess
- I take her to her class and go to walk away to go find Lindsay but then the girl Pushes me against the locker and Kisses me. She has a strong grip and I try to brake free and the I see Lindsay standing there. I finally push her off and I look at Lindsay who looked heartbroken. Tears were in her eyes and she looked angry.-
-Serena Walks up behind her and starts to yell at me with Emma doing that same. I see Lindsay go and run off but I gently grab her wrist. I look into her eyes and stare at them, trying to read her mind like I always seemened like I could. But her eyes were shutting me out-
Me:Lindsay.. Its not what it looked like at all. she kissed me I swear I didnt.
- She broke free and ran crying I then tried to run to her but it was to late. Emma came up behind me furious with Serena holding her back. I need to make this right. I run to her house and I knock on her house. Logan opens it.-
Logan: if you caused this.. You better make it up right now.
- I walk to her room and knock and she opened it and was about to shut it.-
Me: Lindsay.. Wait..
- my eyes had tears falling from them I can't lose her I love her too much-
Lindsay: what...
-I kissed her and she kissed back. It was a little more passionate then usual.-
Lindsay: I believe you
- I smiled and hugged her tight.-
There will be nothing that can brake us apart
~So here's a more the less drama thing between Zach And Lindsay 🙃
So who was that girl that kissed Zach
What is going on with Aspen and Sam?
Find out next chapter ❤~

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