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Katniss' POV

"Morning Katniss," Peeta whispers to me, looking up and staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I always wonder about what Peeta dreams about at night, I mean I always used to get nightmares every night, I still do sometimes. However Peeta never really gets nightmares just dreams. Interesting.

"Hey Peeta, ready to do some hunting today?" I ask him, sitting up and walking over to the bags and picking out some bread, berries and water.

"Sure am, but let me do that Katniss, you go and get the supplies ready and wake up the kids." Peeta replies, coming up behind me and taking the food and starting to prepare a small breakfast for the 5 of us. I then go over to the backpacks and empty everything for out of them. All the supplies and the things we gather yesterday are still there so I take them all and put them into the small packet to replace the ones we were going to eat for breakfast. Next I look over the amount of water we have I find 1 bottle 1/2 full in Finn's bag, a full bottle in Kat's and Lucia's bags and then 2 full bottles in both Peeta and my bags. That makes 6 and 1/2 bottles to last us for the whole day until we get more later on in the day. There is also 2 small first-aid kits in my bag, a small bottle of iodine and the remains of Peeta's medicine. To my surprise I find 3 pairs of night-vision goggles in the kids' bags, they must have came from their cornucopia. Finally I walk over to our weapons. We have 2 bows and 4 sheaths of arrows, around 12 throwing knifes, a spear, a sword and a few small knifes. Once all the supplies are sorted I start to place them all back into the backpacks. I put a bottle of water into each bag and give Finn's bag the extra bottle and my bag the extra 1/2 bottle. Next goes a first-aid pack in Kat's and Peeta's bags and the medicine and iodine in mine and also a pair of night-vision goggles for Peeta, Lucia and I. The weapons are stacked up against the wall as we all know who has which one but I put a small knife in each backpack just incase. Finally the packs are done and I walk over and wake up the kids.

"Finn, Kat, Lucia time to wake up now, food's ready." They all sit up and walk over to where Peeta is he has slice the bread into 10 very thin slices and slices some berries on the top. We each drink 1/2 a bottle of water and 2 slices of bread topped with the berries. After we have finished eating I run over the day's plan with them all. "So plan for today is Peeta and I are going out to hunt as we didn't do amazingly well yesterday, we'll get some water too. All you 3 will be doing is staying in the cave, guard it and make sure no one gets in here but to be perfectly honest the cave is well hidden so no one will find you here anyway. All clear?" Everyone nods their heads and help clean up all the remains from breakfast while I split around remaining food and put some into the backpacks for each of us, giving more to the kids than Peeta and I. When everything is cleaned up and sorted I hand everyone their backpacks and weapons. "Now remember be safe, Peeta and I will be fine, we have won this thing before, Twice for that matter so we know how to cope with it. Just protect each other."

"Okay mom, dad, we will. I love you" Finn runs up to us before we leave the cave. As we leave we cover up the cave entrance slightly with some branches and leaves. We set off away from the cave to hunt side by side to ensure neither of us gets lost.

"Shall we start at the river and refill the bottles beofre we hunting so there is time to purify them?" I ask him as we near the bank of the small river.

"Yeah okay Katniss that's a great idea. I'll get the bottles ready. He takes the bottles out of our bags and also the iodine from mine. When the reach the river, Peeta refills the bottles and I purify them. Once they were all filled to the top we placed them back in our bags before trekking further into the woods to look for food. We carry on walk for another 10 minutes before we find a spot whether I can hunt and Peeta can gather food from the nearby bushes. I start off with a very easy target of a lonely squirrel sat up in a tree and then a bird flying by not long after. Since then there were many more animals coming by, well a couple more squirrels and one more bird. That's when I hear Peeta's scream and going rushing straight back to him.

Gale's POV

All night myself had been preparing for the ambush of the Mellark's cave. Both myself and Jessie had collected a lot of food, water and cleaned/sharpen our weapons on some metal we found at the cornucopia and now we are officially ready for action. "Shall we get going then Jessie, I mean by now Katniss and Peeta should be on their way back to the cave we'll catch them on the way." I turn around to ask Jessie while picking up my supplies and sword.

"Ok lets go" she calls picking up her supplies and throwing knifes. We amble through the dense forest shooting birds, squirrels and fish as we go just in case and keeping a sharp eye out for the Mellarks. We get to the point where we spotted them yesterday and decided to head slightly south to see whether they had advanced further towards the cave than we though they had. We continue to walk for another few hours before hearing a rustling noise from within the bushes up head.

"Quiet as you can, I think we've found them" I whisper to Jessie behind me. She gives a nod of her head and I lead forward, creeping towards our target. A few metres further and my suspicions are confirmed, I see Katniss sitting by the lake with several water bottles and gradually filling them all straight to the top and purifying them. Meanwhile I see to the left of the stream, Peeta is rusting at a bush picking the fresh raspberries from within it, being extra careful not to picking the night lock lying on the smaller bush beside it. "Now's the time, you go first and deal with Katniss for me just don't kill her not yet, I'll follow and grab Peeta." I whisper to Jessie, nodding to her as she creeping around the other side of the stream behind Katniss. Once Jessie is in the correct place for the attack she hesitates for a moment waiting for the exact right time before pouncing. She finally jumps out the trees like a tiger and hits Katniss around the head with the club, knocking her unconscious. Straight after I make my move leaping out and taking Peeta in my grasp and putting a knife to his neck. He struggles slightly at first but then relaxes once realising he's just making the situation worse. "Now you are going to do exactly what I said Peeta or else this will be the last hour you live. I want you to lead me back to your hideout where I know your son Finn, Lucia and my Kat is sheltering, you will hand over Kat to me along with half all your supplies. Do you hear me?" I shout to his face while Jessie ties up Katniss and ties Peeta's hands.

"Yes Gale, what if I don't cooperate with you?" Peeta asks shaking with fear.

"Then you die just after I kill your wife and son right in front of you, simple really." Gale replies with a laugh. Eventually Peeta accepts leading the way to the cave, my knife to his neck, already slightly drawing blood and Jessie closely behind dragging Katniss along behind her. Finally my plan is starting to fall into place soon I will have my daughter back and these idiots will dead!

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