The Interviews

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Within the next hour it is frantic. I take a shower while Peeta picks out what he is going to wear then we switch round. I decided to wear a beautiful silk black dress with sparkles over it. Also sliver high healed shoes and a fire like cape going down to the floor. After fixing my hair into a loose bun and small parts of hair dangling down beside my face, I go into the roof and look down at the millions of people crowding in the streets or walking into studio to watch the live broadcast of the tribute interviews. Usually Peeta and I wouldn't really make an effort for the tribute interviews because the mentors don't really get a look in however this year because it is the first quarter quell after the rebellion they feel it would be nice to see the mentors and see however their lives are like since they won the Hunger Games or Quarter Quell these are done one district at a time and all the other mentors are done together from the district. Haymitch is coming down from District 12 for the interviews too, he is in his room getting changed (sober... I hope!) When we get down to the studio they are at the District 10 Mentors. All of our tributes are down already looking absolutely amazing. Madge and Dale are dressed in red, Selina and Harper-Lee in orange, Kat and Charlie in yellow, Harmony and Finn in black and then Peeta and I are in flames. Everyone's clothing is near enough the same apart from the colour if dress or shirt, and everyone is wearing the same flame animated cape. We stand and watch the District 11 interviews until Haymitch and Effie come down wearing the silver version of our outfits. When the buzzer sounds for the end of the district 11 mentor's interviews, we start to get in line and Madge takes to the stage. Each interview is 2 minutes long so we all just make small chit-chat until the next person is to enter the stage. After 14 minutes of waiting it is Finn's turn for his interview, I give him a quick kiss on the head and he makes his way to the stage.

Finn's POV

I'm slightly nervous now millions of people are in front of my waiting to her my thoughts and feelings. I am directed to the side of the stage by 2 avox and then when Caesar calls my name I take to the stage. There is very few cheers when I enter the stage normally and for everyone else there were masses of cheers but for me it was like they had all wasted away. All I get is some deadly glares, I'm so scared so I take a seat next to Caesar and try to ignore the crowd.

"So... Finnick...what do think of the Capitol so far this is your first trip here presume." Caesar says coldly.

"Well yes Caesar, it is my first trip here and I've the Capitol pretty amazing, I mean the people are cool and love the food I mean we have some great food at home but here..." I say cheerful trying to get a good reaction but, nothing.

"Good" Caesar replies. "And...your determined for the games?"

"A bit?..." I say confused at what he's asking.

"Did you know who President Snow was Finnick?" Caesar asked with an evil grin on his face.

"No?..." Where is this interview going i'm really scared now, what is he on about?

"Well I'm very surprised mommy and daddy haven't told you anything about him seen as though they were the ones who KILLED HIM! He was a great person ruled the whole of Panem but they went up against him and killed him for no reason as well President Coin! YOUR PARENTS ARE MURDERERS FINNICK DON'T TRUST THEM YOU COULD BE NEXT FINNICK OR YOUR SISTER!" Caesar screams in my face and I run off stage to the audience cheering and just as the buzzer goes off.

Katniss' POV

How could they do this to him? He's only 7! I hate them all! Wait now is our interview, I can't go out there in this state they have upset my son and fed him lies. Peeta holds my hand as we walk onto the stage with Haymitch and Effie closely behind us. Half of the audience are just recovering from the last interview as we walk on but then suddenly click when they realise there is one more interview to go, US!

"Everybody I give you the Mentors and Escort of District 12!" Caesar smiles but he is a bit nervous I think because he insulted our son. "So our star-crossed lovers from District 12, we never though we would see you both here together again or even your mentor and escort?"

"No, but we are!" I say really annoyed and trying to keep my cool for Rose who will be watching at home and Finn watching outside.

"Ohhh, someone's a little grumpy today aren't we?!" Caesar says trying to treat me like some sort of baby. But before I can say anything Peeta grabs hold of my hand and replies back,

"she's a little under the weather today that's why."

"Oh ok then, so Peeta what's it like being Mentor this year?" Caesar asks

"Well it's ok I just wish my son wasn't in the games, we wanted our son and daughter to grow up away from these games and that's what we thought would happen, however the odds aren't exactly in our favour lately." Peeta explains holding onto me the whole time.

"Oh and can I ask all 4 of you why didn't any of you tell Katniss and Peeta's son and daughter about the rebellion and President Snow, leading them onto your precious Finn to pull such a stunt in his private session!" Caesar said getting louder and louder until he was eventually shouting. A picture flashed up on the screen and then a video started playing of Finn's private session. Enough is enough! I run over and slap Caesar round the face, everyone shouting and screaming "MURDERERS!!!" At us in the audience.

"HOW DARE YOU SHOW MY SON'S PRIVATE SESSION THEY SHOULD KEPT PRIVATE NOT SHOW THEM AROUND TO THE WORLD! AND HOW DARE YOU INTERROGATE MY SON INTO WHAT HIS MOM AND DAD HAS AND HASN'T TOLD HIM ABOUT THE PAST THAT IS OUR CHOICE NOT YOURS!" I scream in Caesar's face constantly slapping, punching and kicking him. Peeta is sitting in the corner of the stage crying and curled up into a ball and shaking violently, a flashback is coming on and Haymitch and Effie are standing there, gob-smacked. In the end Effie goes to Peeta, calms his flashback down and it eventually leaves him and Haymitch drags me off the beaten blooded-up Caesar and off stage crying my eyes out. Once off stage Haymitch and Effie sit us both on the floor and attempt to calm us down, this will surely impacted Finn and the rest of District 12 in the games but they deserved it. After a couple of minutes Haymitch leaves us to search for a noise he may have heard but then 5 minutes later comes back with a small huddled-up, shaking, crying Finn. Haymitch immediately puts Finn in Peeta and I's arms and we craddle him off to sleep before heading up to the District 12 penthouse.

Once we get upstairs I don't let go of Finn he stays in my arms and sometimes Peeta's until bedtime. When we enter the penthouse all of the other tributes are there all still in there interview outfits we all huddle together and then after changing out the costumes sit down for some tea. Finn and Peeta never leave my side for the rest of the night. After tea the interview playbacks come on the screen in the sitting room. We carefully study every tribute and their possible tactics for the games and then watch as the drama unfolds during our interviews. Peeta starts shaking again with another flashback. These are happening so much lately I think it's the emotions of being back in the Capitol.We all decided to take Peeta and Finn to bed as the games begin tomorrow they will need their strength! Finn sleeps in the same room as us tonight. This maybe our last night together...Forever..

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