Chapter 13: Tim waking up in a strange place

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I woke up with a killer headache, and all I could remember from yesterday was swimming and then going home to my cabin.

I remember feeling something in my neck, then nothing.

As soon as I could see well I looked at my surroundings and what I saw had me scared.

I was in a baby’s nursery laying in a crib.

I tried to get out of it but someone must have heard me struggling, because the next thing I now a nurse walked into the room.

She walked me with a needle in her hand she then stuck the needle into my neck, the last thing I heard before I fell asleep was that in the morning when I woke my Mommy and Daddy would explain to me what was going on.

The next time I woke, I was hoping that the baby stuff was just a bad dream but it wasn’t.

So I just decided to fight with all my might to get out of the crib, I must have made enough noise that it got one of my kidnappers attention, because the next thing I know the door to the nursery opened and in walked The president of the United States and his wife.

I couldn’t figure out why they were here. Were they here to get me out or were they my kidnappers ?

It didn’t take me long to get my answer because Olivia walked over to me, unhooked me from the crib, picked me up and said "aww look at our baby Fitz ! Isn’t he the cutest baby you have ever seen in your life ?"

"yes honey. He is the cutest baby but we must explain his rules to him so he knows what he can and can’t do as our baby."

So I was then carried out of the nursery and into what looked like the oval office to me. I was then laid in what I could guess was a baby bouncer and strapped down.

I couldn’t figure out why they were here.

Were they here to get me out or were they my kidnappers ?

It didn’t take me long to get my answer because Olivia walked over to me, unhooked me from the crib, picked me up and said "aww look at our baby Fitz !

Isn’t he the cutest baby you have ever seen in your life ?"

"yes honey. He is the cutest baby but we must explain his rules to him so he knows what he can and can’t do as our baby."

So I was then carried out of the nursery and into what looked like the oval office to me. I was then laid in what I could guess was a baby bouncer and strapped down.

Once both of my kidnappers were sure I was strapped into my bouncer good, they backed up from me.

They started talking to each other then Fitz said that they can’t tell me my rules until Millie gets here.

Right after Fitz said that, Millie walked into the room and said "hi Fitz and Olivia let’s give our boy his rules !"

after Millie said that all three of my kidnappers walked toward me and once they were in front of me, they all decided to sit on the floor. Fitz is the one who decided to start.

• First rule

Is you must always call me Dada, Olivia Moma, and Millie Mommy. That is all you are allowed to say when you don’t have a pacifier in your mouth.

• Rule two

Is you must wear you diaper at all times, and use it for what it is made for.

• Rule three

You will breastfed when we decide we can trust you but until then you will be bottle-fed.

• Rule four

Your headspace will be newborn, or you can be 2 months old but those are your only choices.

• Rule five

Is you must follow all your rules or you will be punished.

• Rule six

No trying to escape because if you do you will be severely punished for running away.

• Rule seven

you can’t walk or crawl you must be carried at all times no matter what.

• Rule eight

Your mothers and I can and will make new rules if you need it.

After I got told all my rules I was picked up again and carried to the nursery where Olivia changed my diaper, and changed me into pyjamas that had feet in them.

Then I was carried to my crib where I was laid down and strapped.

All was going well when the next thing I know I was being given a shot into my neck, I then fell asleep hoping this was just a nightmare.

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