Chapter 18 : Being kidnapped by ex team mates

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Today I woke up to Daddy. He was getting ready for work earlier than usual so I just laid in my bassinet watching him get dressed and ready for the day.

Then he walked over to me, smiled and said "Good morning baby boy ! I am sorry I woke you up early, but today we are going to NCIS because I've got to talk to director Vance about your ex team mates to see if I can get them fired or at least transferred to a different place so no one else can get hurt.

Also your momma, mommy Millie and I are taking you with us so your team mates can see how we are taking really good care of you."

After he said that, Daddy picked me up from my bassinet, he then carried me to my changing table where he changed my diaper and clothes.

Then he carried me to Momma's side of the bed and said "Olivia honey, it’s time to wake up.

The baby is hungry and needs you to feed him."

Momma woke up and looked at me. She smiled and said "Good morning my baby ! Come here and let momma feed you."

She took me from Daddy and held me in her arms.

Then, she brought me to her breast so I could eat breakfast.

Once I was done, momma handed me back to Daddy and said "Go find Millie and tell her we will be leaving after we eat breakfast."

I was happy I was going to see Vance but I didn’t want anyone else at NCIS to see me like a baby.

I spat out my pacifier, cleared my throat and I spoke, my voice sounding raspy from disuse, and asked them if just for today I could be an adult.

Olivia and Fitz looked at each other and decided to agree.

Fitz picked me up and carried me to his and Olivia’s room where he undressed me and redressed me in some adult clothes.

After I was ready to leave, Fitz let me walk out of the room but I couldn’t walk really good anymore.

I asked Daddy if he could carry me but instead of answering he picked me up and carried me out of his room and back to the kitchen where Olivia was waiting for us to get back. When she saw us she smiled and said "Well look at my big man and my husband.

I figured Timmy couldn’t walk really well anymore so I asked Millie to get us a wheelchair so we don’t have to carry him inside NCIS when we get there."

Millie came into the room with the wheelchair, she smiled and said "Don’t get used to being an adult Tim, this is for today and today only."

I smiled and said "yes Momma I know when I get back home I will go right back to being a baby."

I was then carried to the car where I was sat in my car seat that was almost like a new born's car seat. When we got to NCIS I was taken out of my car seat before anyone could open the car door.

Once the others were ready to go, Fitz was the one who opened the door.

He got out then he helped Millie and Olivia out of the car.

Once they got my wheelchair set up, Fitz picked me up and put me in it.

Once I was ready to go we all went inside NCIS Headquarters where we talked to the man at the check in station. He called Vance to let him know we were there, and the moment he got the all clear he let us up.

When I saw the bullpen it brought back a lot of memories for me. I saw Jimmy and called out his name. He turned around and smiled. He walked over to me and said "Hey Tim ! How have you been ?"

"I am doing a whole lot better than the last time you saw me. Hey Jimmy ! Give me a moment, I want to ask if I can go down to the autopsy room with you so we can talk."

Before I could ask, Fitz said "Go on Tim ! Go with your friend ! When we are ready to leave, I will come get you or someone else I trust will come get you."

"Ok" I said.

After I finished talking to Fitz, Jimmy walked to me, grabbed my wheelchair and pushed me to the elevator. When it was there, he pushed me inside.

When we arrived at the right floor, he pushed me out of the elevator and to the autopsy room where Ducky was hard at work. He turned to tell Jimmy something, but when he saw me he smiled and said "Timothy my boy ! How have you been ?"

I smiled and said "I am doing good now that I can just relax and not worry about work and other people. Even Jethro is happy now that I can be home more."

I just talked to Ducky and Jimmy for quite a while until a man came down and said "President Grant said to come down and get you."

I just nodded and let the man push me to the elevator and once the elevator got there the man pushed me inside the elevator. I looked at the elevator numbers that tell you what floor you are on to see that the elevator was going down instead of up. I turned around to look at the man to see it was Dinozzo who was with me.

"What are you doing Dinozzo ?"

"Gibbs doesn’t want the team to be apart. Plus you are his. Like the rest of the team is his."

But Gibbs sees you as his child and he won't let anyone take you away from him."
After Dinozzo said that, I felt a pinch at the back of my neck then my world went black.

The next time I came to, I was laying in a crib again and strapped down to the point I couldn’t move at all. I must have been making a lot of noise because the next thing I knew Gibbs was standing over me and smiling at me. He stayed there for a moment, then he started talking to me.

"Hey Tim boy ! I am sorry I have to make it where you can’t move at all with a special shot that Abby made me, but don’t be mad at her, Tim, she didn’t know this shot was for you she thought it was for someone else."

After Gibbs said that, I once again felt a pinch at the back of my neck. Then Gibbs just smiled and said "I will come get you out of your crib tomorrow."

I fell asleep. When I woke up it was the next day. I tried to move my body like I could yesterday but I couldn’t, so I started to cry and Gibbs must have heard me crying because the next thing I knew I was being picked up. I stopped crying long enough to see Gibbs was the one who picked me up, I didn’t like him holding me. I wanted my daddy and mommies back. So I started crying again, I couldn’t stop crying.

Gibbs put a pacifier in my mouth and set me down on a play mat, where I laid just crying. I didn’t even notice a loud noise coming from the front door, but I did stop my crying for a moment when I felt myself being picked up again. When I saw it was my Daddy I started crying from relief that I wouldn’t have to stay with Gibbs forever and not see my parents.

My parents took me to a doctor who checked me out and told them I would never walk or crawl again and all they could do was make me comfortable for the rest of my life.

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