chapter 7

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As Breeze headed towards the large building below, Dominique relaxed feeling relief at the fact that they had made it back without incident. He felt Akira tense slightly in front of him and could only guess why.

This was Haiden's palace, everyone knew about it. It was a place thought of as evil, a place which drove fear into people's hearts. No one, not even the Watchers, came near it. It was the perfect hideout.

Breeze headed towards the roof, ignoring all else of the area around them. Then, suddenly he turned downwards straight for one of the gaps the fallen roof had provided. He flew right through it, twirling expertly to avoid rubble and debris. Unexpectedly he turned upright and landed softly in a large spacious room. Folding his wings in he began to walk forward.

Dominique stayed seated, his arms still around Akira's waist. He let Breeze walk from the room and through a large door into a hallway. The advantage of this palace was that almost every room seemed to be accessible to dragons. For some reason Haiden had made it so, perhaps to have his dragon where ever he was, to keep an eye on him and make sure that he was safe, or perhaps he had just built it like this because he could, Dominique would never know.

As they went through one hallway after hallway, passing numerous amount of rooms, Dominique realized that Akira seemed to have frozen, sitting stiffly upright. Her head turned neither right nor left and yet Dominique was sure her eyes were darting back and forth, taking everything in.

Breeze walked comfortably onwards before he came to a stop at the end of one particular room.

"Time to get off," Dominique told Akira as he took his arms from around her and slid off Breeze. Yet Akira remained where she was.

"You think she heard you?" Breeze thought, turning his head to look at the girl seated on his back.

"Hey, we're here!" Dominique repeated somewhat louder.

Akira jerked in surprise. She glanced at Dominique before sliding off from Breeze's back, not asking, nor showing any signs of needing help.

"Good night Breeze," Dominique thought.

"No waking up in the middle of the night to go on a wild rampage?" His dragon sounded hopeful.

"Not this night. I think we could both use the rest," Dominique replied grinning.

Breeze nodded. "Well, I sure hope you get everything sorted." He shot a look at Akira, "You know, with her and all."

"I'll figure something out," Dominique thought in reply.

"I'll leave you to it then," Breeze turned and walked from the room. Each and every one of his steps caused dust to fall through the cracks throughout the room.

"Where's he going?" Akira asked in confusion.

"To sleep," Dominique replied. "He can't come where we are going. It's the one place that is inaccessible to the dragons."

Akira's eyes widened somewhat and realization seemed to fill them along with something a lot like fear. It confused Dominique and yet he shrugged the feeling off as he turned to more important matters.

"Um listen," he began, "You'd better keep that whole time traveling story to yourself." It was not like anyone in the Resistance would stupid enough to believe her but Dominique was sure no one would be impressed. His gaze wondered to the sword that hung from Akira's side. "And you might also want to keep the sword out of sight. A whole lot of people would be very unhappy to see that you have it, believe me, that thing isn't supposed to be here. The last time I tried to show it to Ray things didn't..." upon seeing Akira's blank look he trailed off. "Look," he sighed. "I think its best you gave the sword to me."

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