chapter 28

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Nemis stared at the sword before him. It lay in a velvet case, displayed right beside the skeleton and armor of the dragon of legend. Just seeing the objects displayed before him gave him a feeling of comfort and he silently swore to himself never to put the sword out for the public to see again, he couldn't take the risk of it ever getting stolen again, this relic was his. 

"Sir," the guard that was kneeling on the ground behind him began, he had come into the room a minute ago, seeming to want to say something and yet not seeming sure of how to say it. 

"Spit it out already!" Nemis told him, whirling to face the guard who swallowed hard. 

"Sir..." the guard began. 

"I already know that part, I've heard it five times already!" Nemis waved him off, "Now the next part please, get to the point of this visit!" 

"The...the Watchers, sir, the ones that were reported to have caught Strider and the girl...well they haven't come yet." 

"That's because they're not going to come," Nemis told him, knowing full well that that was probably what the guard had been thinking and yet not wanted to say out loud. As Nemis' calm reaction the guard looked somewhat surprised. Obviously he had expected Nemis to be furious. 

"Now before you waste any more of my time, leave," Nemis told the guard. 

The guard responded at once, standing and saluting once before leaving the room. No sooner was he gone than Nemis turned to his right where a clocked figure stood in the shadows. 

"Are you sure about this?" he asked. 

The figure nodded. 

"And why only tell me now?" Nemis asked sounding displeased. 

"There was no way of coming without being seen before," the cloaked figure replied. 

Satisfied with the answer a slow smile spread across Nemis' face. "Very well then, I'll alert the Night Riders. We'll wait first, give the Resistance the idea that they have outsmarted us, and then, we'll pay them a little visit," he rubbed his hands together in glee. "As for you," he told the cloaked figure, "I'll make sure you'll get your reward." 

The cloaked figure nodded before turning and leaving the room from a small door to the side. Nemis turned back to gazing at the sword with a smile. He ran his fingers along its blade. 

"Nemis!" an angry voice sounded as the door burst open and the other three council members walked in. 

Nemis closed his eyes and sighed, he knew this was going to come. 

"What happened out there?" Prethous was the one to speak. 

"It seems," Nemis spoke softly, still tracing his fingers along the sword, "That the Resistance, has woken up." He turned to the others, a smile on his face and his eyes far from worried. 

"A pray, do tell us, what is so amusing about this whole matter?" Prethous asked a frown on his face. 

"Why, because we have benefited from this little...misfortune," at the blank looks he got from the other three council members Nemis' smile widened. 

"How can this benefit us? They all got away!" Quinton almost shouted his face red and his breath coming in huffs. 

Nemis smiled slyly, trying not to show his distaste for this particular fellow council man. "Ah yes, escape they did...for now." Seeing that the other three were still confused he let out a sigh, "You see, thanks to the stunt they pulled we know that Strider and the Resistance are working together...let me correct myself, I believe that we now know that Strider is a member of the Resistance himself." 

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