chapter 27

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Akira's heart dropped as her brain registered that the person standing before her could only be a Watcher. His black and blue uniform said so. That meant that Dominique must have been stunned with a shocker. Once again it looked like they were right back where they had started, caught. 

Swallowing Akira slowly lifted her gaze to meet that of the Watcher standing before her. When she met his eyes she felt shock fill her and she sat, frozen. One question flashed through her mind over and over again, what on earth was going on here? 

The source of her confusion was the Watcher that stood before her, only it wasn't a Watcher, not as far as she knew anyways. It was Ray, dressed in the full attire of a Watcher, a grim look on his face. Beside him stood a grinning Liam, the smoking shocker he was twirling in his fingers confirming that he had been the one to shoot Dominique. Yet wasn't Liam supposed to be somewhere back in the alleys, running away from Watchers? 

That was when Akira became aware of the curious crowd that was beginning to gather around them. Ray noticed them to. "Back off!" he boomed, "We have the situation under control, but just in case, these are dangerous criminals!" 

His warning worked and the crowd stayed a safe distance away. Beside Akira Dominique groaned, a sign that he was coming around. 

"Should I give him another blast?" Liam asked almost too eagerly. 

Ray shot him a look, seeming somewhat confused. ", I think one was quite enough," he crouched down and lifted Dominique's head slightly, as though checking to see if he was really out. 

"Stay down," he whispered to Dominique. He turned to look at Akira and winked. "Play along," he told her softly. 

Relief and understanding washed through Akira as she realized that it was okay. This was all part of the plan, it had to be, and although she had no idea what was going to happen next, it seemed that Ray had it all under control. 

Hearing the pounding of feet she turned her head to see the Watchers that had been chasing them before, burst out of an ally. Upon seeing Dominique on the ground with Akira beside him and Ray kneeling, holding Dominique's head up, they paused. Akira felt her heart pound as she wondered what Ray was going to do. He answered her question by dropping Dominique's head and calmly stood up, facing the Watchers that were now slowly making their way towards him. 

"We got them," Ray grinned at the approaching Watchers. They paused before they nodded and some returned the grin 

"We should be taking them in straight away then, the council demanded it," one of the Watchers spoke as he came up behind Akira and roughly hauled her to her feet, forcing both her arms behind her back. 

Ray nodded, agreeing, though suddenly he paused, as though considering something. "Say, why don't the three of you go ahead and alert the council that we have the criminals? That way the search can be called off and we can all get back to our posts," he suggested. 

The Watcher holding Akira narrowed his eyes while Akira held her breath, recognizing Ray's tactics of getting rid of the unwanted guests. 

"What about these two?" the Watcher grunted. 

"I heard that some of the others had caught some of the Resistance scum," Ray replied smoothly, even adding a note of distaste to the word 'scum'. "We'll put these two with them. That way we'll have all of them in one spot and it'll be easier to keep an eye on them when transporting them to the academy, just in case some of their friends decided something funny, you know what I mean?" 

The Watcher grunted in agreement. He spat to the side before shoving Akira forward, right into Ray's arms. 

"We'll notify the council that you'll be right there," he said nodding. 

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