chapter 35

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Nemis stood staring at Akira, real fear on his face, yet when what she had said seemed to register in his mind he turned and ran.  

"Seriously?" Redemption snorted as he watched Nemis disappear. He let out a regretful sigh, "How disappointing, I expected more of him. Oh well, should I get him?" 

"No," Akira replied calmly, her eyes on the remaining council who were staring at each other wide eyed, seeming unsure of what to do now that their leader had fled. 

"How far do you think he's going to get?" Redemption asked as Akira made no move to do anything. 

A small smile appeared on Akira's face, "To the academy, we'll meet him there. Besides, he has my sword and I really would love to have that back." One of the council members started to stand, as though making a move to run, yet as Akira's head snapped in his direction he froze, terror in his eyes, terror of her. 

"Sit," Akira commanded, pointing a finger at his chair. Without taking his eyes off her he did exactly as she said, the other two members beside him shaking in fear and refusing to meet Akira's eyes. 

"You think they believe who we are now?" Redemption asked sounding amused. 

"Judging by the state they're in, yes," Akira thought in reply. She turned to Dominique who was still staring at her with wide eyes and his mouth open. 

"I know we're amazing and all but at least close your mouth pretty boy, before you make a scene," Redemption scolded. 

Akira grinned as Dominique's mouth snapped shut. It was good to have her dragon back, no matter how big his ego was. 

"Now..." Redemption began, yet suddenly he seemed to freeze, his eyes glued to Akira. "Akira," he leaned in closer, his eyes seeming to study her. "What is that?" he asked his eyes looking just below her chin where Akira knew a red mark still showed where the rope at the hanging had cut into her skin. 

Akira didn't reply but looked away, avoiding her dragon's eyes, and yet he easily picked up the memory that flickered through her mind. 

"What?" he asked sounding shocked; "They HANGED you?" 

"Tried to," Akira responded. 

Redemptions shock turned to anger. "That's it, no more Mr. nice dragon. They're toast, literally, when I'm done with them there will be nothing left but ash, no one harms my rider!" his nostrils smoked. 

"Ree," Akira soothed, "I'm fine." 

"The mark around your neck says otherwise," Redemption replied, turning to glare at where the council members were huddled. He took a menacing step towards them and the Watchers around took a quick step back, "So who's first?" he growled. 

"Ree, stop!" Akira spoke firmly. 

Redemption turned to look at her, looking somewhat surprised through his anger. 

"If you harm them then we aren't any better than they are," Akira told her dragon softly. "Don't stoop to their level," she pleaded. 

Redemption stared at her a moment longer before something like pride filled his eyes. "And I thought I was supposed to be the one to give the sensible advice," he let out a loud sniff, "It looks like my little kiddo is finally growing up!" 

"Well one of us needs to, don't you think?" Akira thought, amused, in reply. 

Redemption didn't seem bothered by the hint, instead he turned back to the council. "They're still not forgiven...but your right. We'll deal with them later in another manner, but how about for now, we go get ourselves a certain council member?" 

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