chapter 21

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The next time the corridor was empty Dominique pulled himself up into it. "Count to sixty," he told Akira, leaning down to where she still clung to the steel beam. "Then come up and go find the armor. The corridors should be empty, if not, I'm afraid you'll have to improvise." He pulled the camouflage sheet over himself and disappeared from Akira's view. 

"Hurry as fast as you come. I'll try losing them within three minutes tops or I'll definitely get caught. If I'm not back, leave without me," his voice faded and Akira guessed that he was walking away. 

She opened her mouth to ask him something yet decided against it. Instead she closed it again and began to mentally count in her head until sixty. By fifty she heard a distant shout. Tensing she got ready to jump up and yet instead she stayed put, hoping that everything was alright with Dominique. He was crazy to volunteer to get the Watcher's to chase him. 

Upon reaching sixty Akira poked her head up to see that the corridor was abandoned. Whether it was because the guard was after Dominique or still walking his patrol elsewhere, she wasn't sure, but it was a risk she was going to have to take. Without further hesitation she pulled herself up into the corridor, relief filling her aching arms at not having to hold on anymore. 

The shouts sounded again in the distance and Akira heard a flurry of footsteps. Ignoring them she threw the camouflage sheet about herself and swiftly moved down the corridor. At the first right she pressed herself up against the wall and glanced around the bend. Seeing the corridor abandoned she proceeded down it. When the corridor split again she paused to glance both sides. To the left she saw a Watcher disappear around the corner. Relieved that he had been going away from her and not coming towards her, Akira continued going straight. She came to the second turn left without incident yet paused at the corner to glance around only to swiftly withdraw her head. 

Standing in front of the door at the end, the door through which Akira wanted to go, stood a lone Watcher. Obviously the shouting in the distance didn't seem to bother him, and that told Akira one thing. He was probably under the order to guard the door in front of which he stood at all costs. 

Gritting her teeth Akira went through her options in her head. She was invisible to the human eye, but like Dominique had said, the Watchers had heat detectors that allowed them to still see her, or at least her body heat. She needed a distraction. Patting herself down Akira searched for something, anything. And then she felt it. Tucked into her sleeve was a small object. 

Akira reached in and pulled it out, smiling as she felt the edge of the draco Dominique had given her the day before. It was perfect. Kneeling down gave the coin a kiss before taking a breath. Praying that this would work she placed the coin on its edge. She reached ever so slightly around the corner, hoping that the Watcher's eyes were looking up, and flicked the coin forward. Quickly she withdrew her hand, listening as the coin rolled, making a soft sound on the floor as it went towards the Watcher. Hearing a soft thump she knew that the coin had stopped and had fallen to its side. 

Holding her breath Akira listened, her hand on the hilt of her sword as she drew it half way. Rewarding her seconds later was the sound of footsteps. She counted four steps before they stopped. Knowing that she had to act now or never Akira sprang into action. Discarding the camo sheet she stepped around the corner as swiftly and silently as possible, drawing her sword completely in one smooth move. 

She took in the Watcher that stood bent over, picking up the coin. She sprang forward, her feet carried her right towards him. He noticed her before she reached him and straightened, his hand immediately going for a shocker that was strapped to his side. Yet he got no further as Akira reached him and lashed out with her foot, catching him in the chest, knocking the wind from him and sending him staggering a few paces back. He never got to recover as Akira followed up and hit him on the head with the hilt of her sword. He dropped like a stone, crumpling to the floor, out cold. 

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