chapter 36

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Akira stepped through the old trapdoor on to the roof, her sword hanging comfortably by her side once again. Redemption stood, glaring at the riders that stood cowering in one corner, yet upon realizing that his rider was back he spun around to face her, the riders behind him having to duck as he carelessly swung his tail over them, almost knocking them over. Yet as Redemption's eyes set alight on the shaking Nemis, who crawled out behind Akira, his eyes took on a fierce glint. 

"Can I throw him off the roof?" Redemption asked, his eyes turning to Akira, hope in them. 

"Ree," Akira replied with an exasperated sigh. 

"What?" Redemption asked innocently. 

"Nemis, has kindly agreed to co-operate," she told him, saying it extra loud so that all the Watchers could hear her. 

Redemption narrowed his eyes as he glared at Nemis who kept his head down. 

"Really?" he asked, sounding as though he was in doubt. 

Akira nodded, holding up the scroll she had made Nemis sign. "He even wrote us some new laws," she said innocently. 

"Fine," Redemption muttered, "What now?" 

"I think," Akira winced, "That we go visit the dragon market with Nemis, I'm sure it's a good place to let the new law be known," she turned her eyes on Nemis. "Anyone disagree?" she asked staring right at him. "Good," she smiled when Nemis did not say a word. "Now Redemption, how about you let Dominique know where to meet us? And tell him to bring the rest of the council along to." 

"Sure. A market means a big crowd," Redemption thought, happy at the thought of being the center of attention. 

Akira shook her head. Some things, she decided, never changed.

They were above the market in no time. Nemis sat before Akira, something that Redemption had been against, yet Akira had told him it was either that or risk him running off on his own dragon. In the end Akira had persuaded Redemption to listen to her and he had grudgingly agreed to let Nemis on his back. 

With Akira directing Redemption they began to make their decent, the Watchers from the roof not far behind them. If they came because of curiosity of the new law or just to accompany the dragon and rider of legend, Akira did not know. Yet she knew they would do her no harm and so she left it at that. They did not bother with fly zones but went directly towards their target, with Redemption's eyes darting around as he tried to take everything in, shooting questions at Akira the entire time, question she herself could not answer with her limited knowledge of the future. 

Yet when Redemption caught sight of the dragon market below he suddenly went still, horror, anguish and then pure anger filling him. Below two dragons were currently being driven towards a large, enclosed wagon. Yet as Redemption swooped down and landed in the middle of the courtyard all activity ceased and every eye turned to look at him, shock on most faces and some filled with awe. It was obvious that even though the dragon of legend had not been seen for five hundred years, everyone here knew who he was. 

As Akira easily slipped form Redemption's back he turned his head and growled at the Watchers that had been driving the two dragons towards the wagon. At once, the Watchers stepped back, fear and confusion on their faces. 

Ignoring them Akira nodded for Nemis to get down and he did as she asked without hesitation. As another dragon landed Akira turned to see that Dominique and Breeze had arrived, carrying one council member with them. The Watchers from the area were close behind, having given the rest of the council members a lift, the others just here out of curiosity. 

Seeing that everyone was here Akira gave a satisfied nod. She turned to Redemption, "Would you the honors?" she asked. 

Without replying Redemption walked towards the large cage that help the grown dragons, all of who had frozen to stare at the white dragon, hope in their eyes. No one stopped the great white dragon as he walked, each stride filled with purpose, in fact, everyone stayed out of his way, taking another extra step back just out of precaution. When Redemption reached the cage he opened his mouth. Flames spilled out and dragons moved back as the flames licked the cage bars. It took a moment before the bars suddenly turned red and then suddenly, began to melt. 

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