chapter 34

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Dominique stared, stunned. Not sure if he was more speechless over the great white dragon that stood before him, or the fact that he had just heard him speak to him. Either way, he was staring at the living proof that Akira was after all, far from crazy. She had been telling him the truth the entire time, she was not just Akira, she was Akira THE rider of legend, and he had doubted her every step of the way when she had been telling him nothing but the truth. And in return, he had done nothing but dashed her hopes and led her to believe that she was a liar. 

The white dragon walked forward, the ground shuddering somewhat as he approached Dominique. Upon reaching him he put his head down so that they were eye to eye and the dragon narrowed his eyes as his gaze bored into Dominique, "Since your thinking of the little devil, I assume you have an idea of where my rider may have disappeared to?" 

Dominique continued to stare at the dragon before him, for he seemed unable to do anything else. His body had somehow frozen, his mouth gone dry and his mind blank. 

The dragon before him let out a sigh. "Maybe I can help jog your memory. Her name is Akira, she's a little shorter than you, has long black hair, blue eyes, always carries around this shinny sword, oh yeah, and she screams like crazy when you throw her from high heights....sound familiar to you?" 

As the dragon spoke Dominique seemed to wake up of his trance. Everything suddenly came back to him, the reason he was here. He stared at the dragon, he knew could be none other than Redemption, with wide eyes. 

"Akira!" he shouted. 

"Yes, yes," Redemption bobbed his head. "That's her name, but I've already told you that, what I want to know is where..." he stared at Dominique, his yellow eyes widening. "What on earth..." as he spoke Dominique felt a strange presence in his mind. It took him a moment to figure out that somehow Redemption was sorting through his thoughts, picking out key pieces that would tell him what he wanted to know. 

"The council is planning to WHAT?" Redemption thought so loudly Dominique thought his brain would explode. Dominique didn't even have to explain for Redemption was already a step ahead of him, "When?" was his one and only question. 

"At dawn," Dominique replied softly, knowing what Redemption meant. 

"Then what on earth are we standing around here for?" Redemption growled. 

It struck Dominique that even though Redemption would know everything from reading his memory, that none of it, not the fact that he was in the future or that the council had completely taken over, seemed to bother him except for one thing, the fact that his rider was in danger. 

"Come on pretty boy," Redemption spoke sternly. "Get your dragon. You're going to take me to my rider, and then I'm going to give the council a piece of my mind. No one plans to execute my rider."

Akira stared at the sun as it peaked out of the horizon. It was here, the day she was going to die. She listened, waiting, and soon enough the sound of marching feet was audible, getting louder every moment as they came towards her cell. They were coming for her and in the next few moments she would find out her fate. Up to now, she still had no idea what Nemis had planned for her. She was still in the dark about how her death was to be carried out. And yet somehow, it all didn't seem to bother her as much anymore. Why? She had no idea. 

When they opened her cell door she stood, waiting for them. She didn't bother to struggle when they clamped her wrists in irons and lead her from the cell. As they walked her down an abandoned dirt path she couldn't help but wonder for the first time where they were headed. Definitely this wasn't in the same direction as the gallows were, so hanging was probably out of the question. 

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