chapter 15

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"The Red Dragon?" Akira yelled above the noise, her voice questioning. 

"Yup! It's as good as any place where they offering rooming for the night gets," Dominique yelled in reply as Akira peered cautiously into the interior, not sure what exactly she was seeing. "Ladies first," Dominique shouted over the noise as he waved his hand to the door. A grin appeared on his face at Akira's bewildered expression. 

When she didn't react he placed a hand on the small of her back and pushed her forward, sending her stumbling into the room as she clutched her bundle of clothes to her chest as though it was her lifeline. Akira dimly noticed Dominique follow, closing the door behind him. She was too busy to gawking at the scene before her to do anything other than just stand there. 

"Wait here. I'll go get a key to a room!" Akira dimly heard Dominique say behind her. It sounded like he had whispered and yet Akira was sure that he had shouted it. It wasn't that Akira would have been able to move anyway if she had wanted to, she was too mesmerized by the view before her. 

Dominique has pushed her into what looked like a good sized room. Lights flashed, lighting it up in a different color every second and then suddenly all the colors would flash at once before it went back to just being individual ones. Akira's mind buzzed, not able to grasp how the changing colors were happening, when she raised her eyes to see the swinging objects that seemed to be each emitting a different color, she could only gawk. 

She let her gaze sweep over the rest of the room, taking in the comfortable looking chairs that were placed to either side around tables, which were occupied but what looked like mainly teenagers or young adults. All of them were chatting or laughing, their voices colliding and causing a loud buzz, as they sipped on drinks that people with trays seemed to be handing out. Yet they were not the main source of the noise. 

Akira's eye drifted to the back of the room where in the middle there was what looked like a large wooden table upon which five people stood. One of the people, a teen aged girl, wearing a shockingly revealing dress which Akira wouldn't be caught dead in, stood in the middle, holding something in her hand while her eyes were closed. The other four, all teenaged boys, were playing different instruments. Akira recognized a wooden music pipe and drums, that looked something different from the ones she was used to, yet the other instruments were foreign to her, and she was sure that by what they looked like they weren't all made of wood. 

It was from this group that the most noise was coming from. They were playing their instruments as loud as possible, blasting, what sounded more like senseless noise to Akira, through the room, the drums adding a beat that seemed to control Akira's heartbeat. In the middle of the floor stood a crowd of people, all seeming to be moving senselessly about, making Akira wonder for a moment if they were mad. It was only after a moment of observing them that Akira realized they were moving to the beat, dancing to the rhythm of the music. 

And then the girl on stage stepped forward and raised of the object in her hand to her mouth before she began to sing. Akira furrowed her eyebrows as the girl changed so fast from one note to the next that Akira's head began to ring. She could not even understand the words of the girl's song, finding that she was going too fast, and she wondered why the girl was singing in the tone that she was, in a voice that sounded fake, when Akira was sure that she had a lovely sweet voice. 

Feeling a pounding headache come on she pressed the palm of her hand against her forehead, yet her eyes did not leave the scene before her, too mesmerized to do so. Dimly she heard the door behind her open. 

"Excuse me," someone pushed past her. Akira didn't move, her eyes following the teenaged girl that walked a couple of paces, and then paused before her face suddenly lit up and she waved at a group sitting at one of the tables. She slid into an empty seat and her chatter joined in with the noise. Akira stared after her, her eyes on the pink stripes in the girl's blond hair. 

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