chapter 16

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Dominique awoke to a buzz of voices and the sound of things being dragged along or banged against each other. Groaning he rolled over, willing the noise to stop. Yet when it did not he opened his eyes slowly. Finding himself staring at a fuzzy world he reached up a hand and rubbed his eyes with his palms. Once the world swam into focus he found himself staring at a wall. Someway above it was a small window through which sunlight streamed and the noise was coming through. The noise confirming that the city was already up and about. 

Turning to the other side Dominique caught sight of the empty hammock across of him. For a moment he stared blankly at it before he remembered who was supposed to occupy it, Akira. Groaning he sat up and placed both his feet firmly on the ground. Had she not done her disappearing act so many times before Dominique would have gotten worried, yet by now he knew that she wouldn't be far away, probably downstairs eating breakfast if anything. 

Running a hand through his hair he caught sight of Akira's bundle of things placed carefully on her hammock. His eyes wondered down to his feet to see his boots lying there. Leaning down he pulled them on before he stood on his feet and stretched. He yawned and did not bother to cover his mouth, before he walked over to his things. Grabbing the tube he always carried with him, he stuck it out of sight under his shirt, before he grabbed a bag full of coins and dumped them into his pocket. Satisfied that he had everything he made his way out of the room, making sure to lock it before he headed downstairs. 

When he reached the staircase he paused at the top, staring down at the room below and wondering at the difference in it. The stage was empty, with not an instrument on it and other than a few murmuring voices, coming from the few people that sat scattered around tables eating breakfast, it was actually pretty silent. The lights that had flashed the night before where no longer on, leaving the entire room to be light up by the sunlight from outside, which actually gave the whole place a homey look. 

Dominique scanned the area below, his eyes seeking out Akira. He frowned as he searched but did not catch sight of her and an uneasy feeling filled him. She had not gone off on her own, had she? That was when he heard the familiar laughter coming from the other side of the room. Relief flooded through him as he turned his head to see Akira sitting at a table, laughing at something that the blond haired girl across from her said. It was Savannah. 

Making his way down the stairs Dominique reached the bottom just as Savannah spotted him. "Dominique!" her voice rang through the empty room. 

Shaking his head Dominique made his way over to her, shooting a look at the girl that sat beside her. She had brown hair and gray eyes and actually was somewhat attractive, yet there was something about her, something that would make anyone think twice about approaching her. Dominique recognized her from a time he had met her before, her name was Anita. While Savannah and Akira were smiling she sat there with a bored expression on her face, seeming uninterested. Dominique saw Akira shoot her a curious look yet she said nothing. 

"Hey," Dominique said as he reached the table. 

Akira slid over in the bench like seat, making room for him, and Dominique sat down beside her, opposite of Savannah. 

"Finally awake, are you sleepy head?" Akira teased. 

Dominique shrugged in reply, his eyes scanning over the rest of the room, following the path of a lady carrying a tray before his eyes continued on their previous path. He was searching, wondering where the guys Savannah was usually with were, for he was sure that he hadn't been completely forgiven for their last run in, and as he couldn't afford any trouble at the moment he wanted to keep his distance. 

"They're out," Savannah said as she immediately picked up why Dominique was looking around. "Don't worry," she smirked, "They wouldn't try anything in here anyway, not after the warning you guys got last time for the damage you guys caused here. Though I still can't figure out who got hurt more, the table you smashed with your back, or you." 

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